(no subject)

Jul 31, 2011 04:10

London was exhausting. I am very happy to be back at Caty's house. Caty's has more shade, less stairs, less people bumping into me, and more opportunities for bathroom use. Just because I can hold it doesn't mean I want to. The (whatever auto-immune issue it is) is starting to flare up more, my hand was numb the entire train ride from London to Caty's. I'm happy to have done this, but I'm also wanting to go home and start medical tests.

I thought the flist wouldn't be too bad because lj was down, but it's still like skip 200. Soooo, I am officially giving up and not reading through. I loves you allllll, but that's just too much. And I want to be a fair Hufflepuff, so ignoring you all is the solution!

Except for bandslashmania. If any of you have posted fics I want to applaud as necessary. Or if anyone in hp-land has written anything, for that matter. For those few that have friended me because of the con- while this is primarily a rl/bandom journal, I did start writing a Harry orgy in some down time in London. Hopefully it'll be both interesting and porntastic.

In a minute I shall repost the last fic for my angst bingo. I still like the other prompts, but I'm just running out of time. A blackout is just not going to happen. As a side note to that...when you think Killjoys+non-penetrating sex toys, what comes to mind? Normally when I write sex toys it's buttplugs/vibrators/strap ons. It's not important enough to make a post on kink_cafe, but I could use some inspiration.
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