When A Home Is A Menagerie

Jun 14, 2011 04:37

Part Three

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theletterelle June 15 2011, 03:41:04 UTC

You know how much I love lonely sad anxious-for-approval Brendon. It's like you've given me all my dreams forever. How can I even explain all the things I love about this?

Let me try:

1. Elena. My God, she is the awesome. I love her being able to stop Gerard in his tracks. Brendon needs her, and I'm so glad she's there.

2. Ranting Gerard. I love your Gerard, all flaily and ranty and full of good intentions. "Do you want a handjob? Mikey, should I give him a handjob?"

3. The nonsexual touching. Gerard crawling into bed beside Brendon and making him stay there, the big puppy pile at the end, it's all so undecorous. Brendon's family would totally disapprove, which tells you it's good. :)

4. Gabe! GAAAABE! Punching out Mason! Awesome! ILU GABE!

5. Brendon getting Christmas presents that are actually things he wants! ;_____; poor bb, always getting good-for-you presents.

6. Mikey and Pete putting on a sex show for Brendon. GOD. Pete, you couldn't help him find a book, what the fuck?

7. All the fundie stuff is so spot on. Take it from an SDA, not an LDS, you got the feeling exactly right. There is so much pressure to be good, to do right, and to avoid disappointing and hurting your family. You nailed it.

There is probably more, but I'll wait till my next readthrough to figure out what it is. :)


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