(no subject)

Jun 11, 2011 23:22

Read our BBB? We sacrificed a lot of things...like every evening of free time, and we can never watch Invader Zim or use the word 'dastardly' without cracking up, ever again. Pretty Please?

Title: The Twelve Steps (to a chalk outline)
Author: gala_apples and dr_jasley
Bands: MCR, PatD, CS, TAI, The Cab, FOB
Pairing(s): Mikey/Gerard/Brendon/Frank (and combinations within), Gabe/William/Kesha, Jon/Tom, mentions of Brendon/Jon, Brendon/OMCs, Mikey/OMCs (not infidelity).
Word Count: 74 500 (plus 15.5k in codas)
Rating/Warnings: nc17. Non-descriptive past sexual abuse of a minor, dub-con (not between MCs), incest, light kink, hard drug use, graphic murder scenes, mentions of cannibalism.
Summary:“My name is Ryland, and it's been four days since I eviscerated someone.”
“Hi Ryland!”

Gerard has been running Serial Killers Anonymous for a while now, and it’s a good outlet for them all. Things start to change though, when he finally confronts Mikey about what he’s been doing the nights he gets back from the bar after dawn. Mikey agrees to go to placate his brother/boyfriend, not because he feels remorse. If they really didn’t want to die, they’d be more interesting when they beg for their life.

Meanwhile, Brendon’s just had an amicable break-up with Jon, a fact he could not convince his best friend Ryan of in a million years. Unfortunately for him, he has to listen to Ryan’s rants about evil boyfriends and Jon being just the latest in a string of admittedly poor choices, all day as they work together in Ryan’s fashion boutique. He’s out urban exploring for Ryan’s ~inspiration~ when he stumbles upon SK Anon. It’s easy to fall in love. After all, they’re reformed, right?

The problem comes when one of the S K Anon members reverts to their old ways, triggering a collective jump off the wagon. However, with every cloud comes silver lining, and giving in doesn’t always make you weak. Sometimes it takes action to make a house a home, and a group a family.

A story in which working at Borders never stops sucking, Mikey solves every problem with sex, and Frank would like to film the frequent Brendon Vs Filthy Way House battles and charge people to watch them.

Part One| Part Two| Part Three| Part Four| Part Five| Part Six| Part Seven| Part Eight| Codas

Bonus Tracks/Enhanced Content

Artwork by creepylicious

Blood On Your Nametag by kisforkurama
Let's Kill Tonight by dear_monday

Love you Jasley, and I love our shared brain. *hugs*
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