(no subject)

May 17, 2011 18:20

So, this weekend was exhausting.

Bussed to Vince's for 6.15 Friday, because he said he would be off work at 5. Sat in the hallway until 7.47. I was going to leave at 7.50, so that was just in the nick of time. And then I snickered watching him frantically shave his entire body, because it was a costume party and he wanted to be Alexandria again. His dragmother came over and helped us both do makeup (we were both crossdressing, I wore a skirt and I haven't worn a skirt since eighth grade. I pregamed, and then Vince bought me a bunch of drinks because he felt guilty for making me sit in a hallway for two hours. Like I oh so coherently said, I met a guy I knew from high school in the bathroom and had an 'intense' conversation with him (hahaha I can't remember any of it) At some point Jason and Osama walked from Jason's apartment to come talk to us, Jason was having a pot brownies and boardgames party. We talked for a bit, and they left and we danced more. And then we went back to Vince's, and I apparently drunk posted, and vomited a bit, and passed out.

Saturday I bussed home, slept off my hang over from 11am to 6.30 pm. Woke up to find my entire back was bruised, as well as the bottom of my foot. Fuck knows how I did my back, I know I stepped on my necklace with gumball sized beads. And then I had to beg my dad to drive me to the play I was supposed to have bussed to Jason's to go as a group because I was running late and could barely walk. Good thing I did though, as it was supposed to be me, Vince, Jason, and Jessica but Jess had eaten too many brownies and Vince wasn't answering the phone. (didn't find out until later though) I saved them seats, (it was sold out and every thirty seconds people were asking if I was using the seats. I HATE confrontation) but no one showed. Then at intermission Jason came over and we went for a smoke. Sweeney Todd was awesome, the only actor I didn't like was Johanna, and that was because her singing was so high pitched it was hard to understand the lines, not because she was bad at it.

At 11 when the play was over we walked to Jason's apartment. All his brownie party friends had stayed over, and Vince came over eventually, as well at two others. Vince left at one point to hook up with a boy, Jason and a few of the friends left for a bit to go check out this 24hour concert and try to wake up one of the really really smashed guys. I think his name was Sam, he was sort of drunkenly hilarious. He was propped up by a body pillow and he started stroking it because he thought it was a cat. Vince started meowing at him to fuck with him. Vince came back then left again, I could have gotten a ride but Jason asked me to stay. Between the alcohol and the pot and sleep deprivation the conversations got more and more interesting as the sun rose. At one point Derrick asked me if I had wrist cancer, because my wrist was discoloured. I was wearing a bracelet.

It was Sunday by that point, and Derrick and I bussed home around noon. I slept for ages and when I woke up I checked the flist and then I amused myself on memegenerator, specifically 'foul bachelor frog'. So many are relevant to MCR it's hilarious.
bonus Pete Wentz!

One of my better weekends, but definitely exhausting.
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