(no subject)

May 08, 2011 03:59

more things:


-Sweeny Todd is playing this week at a local theatre. I am totally buying a ticket. mmmm, singing cannibal serial killers.

-Little Pet Shop of Horrors is also playing. I am totally NOT buying a ticket. That movie scared the FUCK out of me when I was a child. Between evil dentists and evil plants there were so many nightmares. *shudder*

-This might sound weird, but. Uh. I'm going to England at the end of July, and wanted to know if anyone wants to hang out? I arrive July 21st for a con, which runs to the 24th. And then I'm hanging out with Caty from the 24th to August 1st. But I haven't booked my ticket to fly home yet. So yeah. Does anyone want to have a Gala for a night? As long as I fly home before Friday (the fifth) the price of the flight doesn't go up at all. For the record, all I need is a pillow and a plate of french fries. I'm extremely easy to please. Like... OMG WATCHING YOUTUBE VIDEOS FOR 11 HOURS IS TOTALLY THE BEST DAY EVER easy.

Or if crashing on your couch isn't cool, anyone wanna hang out with me and Caty during the day between the 24th-1st? It's just I know I have a good handful of you beloved flist in England, and it would be awesome to hang out.
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