(no subject)

Oct 14, 2010 03:24

spamming all over your flist. ALSO MORE TO COME, AS I AM WRITING KILLJOY FIC. but anyway...

1) I am trying to alt- version song gather. So far my efforts have been just in MCR, but if anyone has Cobra or Panic I'll take them.

on my Other My Chem playlist I have
Art Is A Weapon rip
The Only Hope For Me Is You
Bury Me In Black
Heaven Help Us
Kill All Your Friends (which i REALLY FUCKING LIKE, BTW)
My Way Home Is Through You
Astro Zombies cover
Desert Song
Desolation Row
Song 2 cover (BEST COVER EVER, JFC)
Jack the Ripper
The World is Ugly Don't You Know (a horrible, horrible copy, I can barely listen to it)

AZLyrics.com says I am missing:
All I Want For Christmas is You
Sister To Sleep
Stay (untitled)
Death Before Disco.

Also, I'm better that fandom is smarter than AZLyrics.com. Because wasn't there stuff from their cd four version one? Something about kiss my ring? or black something something club? And also didn't Gerard cover Umbrella that one time? So do any of you have anything that's on my missing list, or not on either list but you have it anyway? Or a version of World is Ugly that isn't complete shit?

Like I say, this also goes for Panic and Cobras. For them I just have their cds.
*looks at Panic's page* OMG BRENDON URIE HAS SUNG MANEATER? FOR REALZ? *flail of amusement and desperate need to hear* OMG HE ALSO DOES SHOUT? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? HE DOES THE ANIMAL HOUSE SONG? (yes, i was totally raised on inappropriete movies, my parents didn't believe in Disney) sorry though, Manson totally wins the TNBC cover game, I don't care how pretty you are Brendon.
*looks at Cobra's page* *grins* I Kissed A Boy... the song that got me in bandom-past-panic.

2) So, um, I tried to represent us properly on my crafting forum. If anyone would like to suggest an edit, I'll totally consider it, keeping in mind that the age range on the forum is from 12-80's, and most don't have a fucking clue who MCR are. http://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php?topic=362012.0

3) HI TO NEW FRIENDS. THIS JOURNAL IS GENERALLY A VERY SQUEEFUL ONE. Except for when I swing into a Borderline Personality Disorder cycle, and then it's doom and gloom. See like 3? posts ago.

4) SOMEONE CONVINCE ME I DON'T NEED TO CLAIM ANOTHER BINGO TABLE FOR WRITING KILLJOYS. Jesus H tapdancing christ, Seriously, it would be my *counts* eighth bingo table. Granted, two are completed, but still.

5) Am tired. Want to bed. Also want to write Killjoys fic. Killjoys currently more important than sleep. This may seem different when I must wake up in 6 hours. Too bad. MY IDEAS ARE ALL FULL OF CRACK. IE: WANT TO WRITE AFTER-CARE FIC OF RAY BEING SMASHED IN THE FACE WITH A BOTTLE. Because it would call for ice, but the zones are like 118 and his face is swelling nastily and *flail* WANT TO WRITE SHOW PONY BABYSITTING LITTLE GIRL, AND HER CALLING HIM SHOWIE AND TRYING TO CONVINCE HER DADS SHE'S READY TO GO OUT WITH THEM AND GERARD IS ALL FUCK NO! BUT FRANK'S LIKE IMMA TEACH HER TO SHOOT THINGS. I need to write all the things. So many things. *yawns*
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