(no subject)

Oct 09, 2010 00:32

So, Reel Pride is going on in Winnipeg right now. It's a film festival for queer films. Last night I went to see a bunch of shorts, and most were pretty awesome. A few were inspiring enough that I wrote drabbles on the bus on the way home. Also, being inspired by a new member of the flist, (and pikasafire) they are Bert/Gerard drabbles.

1) Inspired by "Stay"
“I wish I could sleep with you,” Gerard is speaking half into the pillow, still laid out from where he collapsed after Bert crawled off his back, but Bert can still hear him.

“What do you call what we just did?”

“No, idiot, I mean sleep as in pass out side by side.”

“So do it then.” Bert doesn’t believe in wishful thinking. Either do what you want, or don’t. Sure that got him kicked out of the house, but it all worked out fine in the end, didn’t it?

“You know I can’t.”

Bert snorts. “Can’t? You’re incapable of falling asleep with me?”

“This wordplay shit? Not fucking cute.” It’s still muttered into the pillow, but he sounds irritated.

“Fuck you! Can’t means incapable, not I’m a total pussy that won’t let my band know. So go the fuck back to your bus then. It’s your fucking choice, don’t act like it’s this big sorrow. It doesn’t have to be another motherfucking drama.” Fucking My Chem, everything’s always such a big fucking production.

2) Inspired by Love Exiled
“Let’s run away to Canada.”

Gerard is sure nobody has laced his orange juice. After all, he is home nearly alone, Bandit is having her nap. Still, it’s just about the last person in the world Gerard had expected to ever get a call from. Even though his cell says ‘unknown number’ he knows it’s him. He hasn’t heard his voice in years but he recognises every syllable. “Hi?”

“Let’s go, Gee.” Nicknames, like six years hasn’t past.


“We can get married.”

“I already am married. Lyn-Z is my wife.”

“Yeah, because we’re in the states. In Canada you could marry me.”

What the fuck? “Are you stoned?” Gerard had heard somewhere that he had to quit everything, but sober people don’t make calls like this.

“Fuck you,” are his last words before he hangs up. Gerard wonders if he should expect him standing outside his house with a microphone later in the week.

3) Inspired by Slapple Pie
The difference between them is Bert does it because he doesn’t give a shit and Gerard does it because he does. Bert sees Jepha’s prank and knows it for the failure it is. Hiding all his clothes doesn’t mean much when he can easily wear someone else’s. But he doesn’t bother to raid Quinn or Jepha’s suitcase because there’s still one article in his; a smoking hot dress. Bert puts it on because why the fuck not?

The next night Gerard’s wearing a dress during his show. You wouldn’t even know it was him if he wasn’t belting out Vampires Will Never Hurt You. He looks fucking good.

Bert listens as he gives a goddamn speech about gender being a construct. Most of the crowd has no idea what the fuck he’s saying, but they scream their agreement anyway. And there’s probably one or two that really fucking appreciate it, a couple of trans kids in the sea of endless faces. It’s that saving lives thing again, whether or not Gerard realises it. Last night Bert just spit into the audience a few times.

4) Inspired by Le Jeu du Pendu
Bert doesn’t believe in anything since deciding to do a pass on the Mormon thing. It’s not like he wants some other insanity to replace it with. Not that he’s going tell his parents he doesn’t believe, that would just be stupid. Refusing to go to church with them would only result in screaming fights and eventually homelessness. Still, just because he sits doesn’t mean he has to actually pray. He spends the time he’s supposed to be thinking about God thinking about music, or getting stoned with Quinn later that night. Or thinking about Gerard.

The one bad thing about permanently deciding to not believe is it takes the fun out of playing blasphemous hangman with his neighbour. He’s pretty sure Gerard doesn’t believe either, although his slant of events is Catholic. They’re private heathens together.

Still, there is a brilliance in making Gerard figure out the phrase ‘I want to kiss you’ that ‘there is no god’ never had. Gerard guesses with just one leg and foot left. He doesn’t reply, just draws out another noose and four lines. Bert’s third vowel guess is O, there are two in the middle. After a correct guess of G, Bert doesn’t need to play any more.

5) Inspired by The Girl Bunnies.
Bert loves playing hockey. Not for a team, on a fuckin’ skating rink. There’s no money, no transport, no equipment. Bert consoles himself with the knowledge that anyone that has to pay money to play is a total bitch.

He likes the guys on his street. The McCrackens moved in too late for Bert to have great childhood memories but his teens are shaping up pretty well. Everyone on Penderstone Bay is a tough awesome asshole. They don’t have his phone number, but they don’t need to call. Bert keeps his curtains open so he can see when the nets are getting dragged onto the street by Brandon or the Ways. It’s easy to tell which one is which; they both have the normal red frame, but Gerard spent hours colouring the white mesh black with a Sharpie after his parents refused to buy spray paint.

There’s no bullshit about picking teams either, no fucking favouritism. It usually splits up to him, Quinn, Jepha and Brandon on one side, Gerard, Mikey, Ray, and Frank on the other. Bob fills in for whoever’s gone, sick or forced to stay inside to do homework because some teacher called. The latter is usually Quinn, the former is usually Frank, lucky sickly bastard legitimately missing so much school.

Sometimes when he’s deftly passing the puck to Jepha he wants to kiss Gerard, see if he can get his lips as red as his nose. Instead he just rams his shoulder into him. Sometimes his feet slip on the snow -the more they pack it hard by running over it the more it gets slick and glassy like ice- and he tumbles down. Gerard will swear and Ray will yell at him to get his ass off the ground and get the fucking puck and Bert can ignore it a little longer.

Oh, and one of the shorts that I really liked I was able to find on youtube. It's about trans people. http://www.youtube.com/user/maybechildhood#p/u/2/VAVoCZ5uKLw


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