Sep 21, 2006 18:38
It fathoms me how people change. How things change. Change in general. I hate it. If I'm happy why should I think oh, well maybe I could be happier? I guess that boils back down to the type of person I really am.
Content. Simply content.
There is a song I heard on the radio at exactly the right time today and that always makes me so happy. You know when you hear a song and you listen and all of a sudden you realize, this makes so much sense? I like that alot.
Optimism. Sucks. Well, not really but in my case most of the time it turns out bad. Because I am so used to thinking on the bright side, planing for the right thing to happen that I am usually let down when it doesnt turn out as planned.
There are no order to these thoughts.
Pain. The most immense physical pain I have ever felt was tearing my ACL, which I cant even describe but the thing about physical pain is that you know that in a certain amount of days it will be better. It will all go away, or in my cases it has. Its not the same with emotions. Those stay seemingly forever. If I had to choose between tearing another ligament or a broken heart. Tearing another ligament would be the easy way out. I think these kinds of things always teach us lessons though.
Im not sure if I believe in fate. I guess I do. No, I do. I just decided I do believe in fate.
Im just rambling. I am starting to like college, but Im sure after this weekend I will want high school and everything that went along with high school back, okay maybe not one thing. I dont know
Who even does this anymore?