Jun 25, 2005 22:07
I am SO tired and cranky right now, ARG. Not even ARG with !, just ARH with . Last night I worked and then went over to Rachael's to hang out with Joel and his buddies for a bit, we ended up driving to Taco Bell then watching seemingly endless episodes of 'Date my Mom'. Came home and slept on the couch. For some reason lately, sleeping in my own bed has just not been very desireable. I don't get it, it is big, and comfy, and good, but I just don't want to sleep in it. Oh well? Today I took my sister to the Cat Show at the delta-plex. There were some really beautiful cats there, lots of persians, they looked like little ewoks. There were a lot of maine coons too, also very pretty. So it turns out, they definately don't run around like at dog shows, they get put in a cage, then the judge takes them out one by one and puts them on a table, picks them up, feels their body, plays with them a little bit, that's about all. I am thinking about taking my kitties next time to show in the 'Household Pet' division, and maybe when I move out I will get a show cat :)