Yunchun Exchange - Round 2

May 09, 2008 21:52

Title: Being with You
Written by
gal12 for
Remixing: Bring Me to Life 
Rating: G
Genre: fluff?
A/N: XD I did my best, but I still think it should have been waaaay better! I did my best,
ree_of_ree! Hopefully you like this!!!

The future is still in the dark. I haven’t told Yoochun how I feel. To my mind, I am still playing the role of a close friend - but I think he understands. I hope he does.

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“Hello sir and welcome, do you have a reservation?” asks the receptionist in a cheery tone.

I sway a little, standing next to Yunho at the front desk- I’m not really a ‘good’ flier they would call it.

“Yeah, Jung Yunho,” says Yunho crisply, giving off this vibe meaning that he doesn’t particularly enjoy this situation.

I smile a little, this is the Yunho I know and whom I came to befriend. As soon as the young woman told us our room number, Yunho reaches for my bags but I grab them before he can, flashing him a smile, “I can carry them.”

Once we get into our affluent and opulent looking suite after the quiet ride up on the elevator, I slowly take in everything. How I’m here, in this beautiful hotel with my new friend and that I’m in Seoul… then I envision my little girl back in home without me. I felt tears spring up; unconsciously sitting on the bed and the daunting memory of that night came flooding back.

“I wonder what Myi Ra is doing right now,” I whisper.

I hear Yunho drop his bags then walk over, then warmth engulfing me. My heart didn’t hurt as much, the feelings of dejection were starting to disperse; does Yunho hold some kind of power over me? Or am I just weird?

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Subconsciously, I knew that Yunho is awake and is now leaving; I’m assuming something for his editor. Nonetheless, it didn’t change the fact that and I just… miss him although, I haven’t known him for very long.

I sigh as I rise from the bed, deciding to follow Yunho since it’d better than lying around, wandering thoughts that could leave another day of crying. I don’t want to burden Yunho any more than I have already.

I grab the key card and jacket, with a click of the door and a ding of the elevator, I left.

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Espying Yunho, I decide to do something he usually does whenever we’re together- observing people. I stand a good distance away from him, trying to discern his facial expressions and actions. Yunho must have an easier time with this than I am (it is his repertoire after all)- it’s strenuous, trying to figure out what each movement could possibly mean what he’s thinking about. Okay, now I’m over analyzing.

I remember when we met; I thought he was one of the most peculiar person I have ever met, but he turned out to be a great friend. Nevertheless, why does my heart do these little loopdy-loops and a slight lifting of… everything that worries me? Could it be because of the ‘new friend jitters’?

“Yoochun,” Yunho says firmly, his lips a little thin.

“I, ah, wanted to see how you were doing. And to see you,” I chuckle (I was a bit nervous, I have to admit), rubbing my neck and murmuring the last part.

But I think he heard me since he had this little smirk but doesn’t say anything as he gives me this stare and turns away, leading me into the congested street. I follow, since that’s what I’ve been doing a lot of lately and I like being with him.

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“Are you sure I’m not distracting you from your work? I can just leave and find something else to do,” I ask, “I mean, you’re here to do your job so…” I say worriedly after eating breakfast at this cozy little Korean restaurant.

He grasps my hand as if to say it’s alright, but then he says it’s alright. Another smile makes its way onto my face, a blush forming on my cheeks, and trembling starts taking over my body.

This is the guy. This is the person whom I’ve been waiting for. Yunho has helped my through a lot, like took me to another country, listened to my problems and all that. In a way, he has lightened my burden and took away most of the grief that’s been piling up over the years.

Hopefully this time, it will have a happy ending for me and Yunho that will be near perfection.


yunchun, timeline

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