I'm really sorry for not being around much. Been busy and sick a lot lately.
I collapsed at work a few days ago and woke up in the hospital. In the end the doctor told me it was due to insufficient nutrients (I've been forgetting to eat). He told me to pay more attention to my diet, and less attention to stress. I can do the first part, the second not so much. :\
I feel bad for neglecting LJ, everybody here, and all that goes on; it is just hard to keep up these days... I do miss you all! ;_; ~♥
Pretty sure these cards aren't official, and I never tried collecting all of them. But I only paid a couple dollars for these ones. So, oh well.
For full size scans follow the download link. ^_^
http://www.mediafire.com/?p16q42w5p67tvai Feel free to use the images for whatever, just please don't claim as your scans. ^_^
And as always, hotlinking images =
I don't like MediaFire's new makeover. >_>