Jun 14, 2005 07:37
This is an announcement for anyone who is a member at Muse,
We know that Muse is down at the moment, and there isn't anything we can do about it. We apologize for the inconvenience this causes. If there are any questions or comments regarding this issue, please feel free to send them to cheri[dot]tenou[at]gmail[dot]com (with your Muse member name) and I'll get back to you as soon as possible with some answers. Please try not to contact any other mods at this moment. However, for now, we would like you to know that no one at Muse can do anything about the problem but the hosting company.
If you were looking for files to download off of Muse, I would love to help everyone out by uploading those onto YSI and sending them through e-mails if I happen to have those files. Just be nice, ask, and I won't bite.
Other than that, again, we apologize, and we'll try to update everyone on what's happening as soon and as often as possible.
Thank you for your patience,
Cheri :: Staff @ Muse.