Cheri brings you all another one. This one's quite short. There's another one I'm working on that he just updated yesterday. That one will be coming soon! Before you go on to the translations, I want to make sure you guys:
Read this here.II. Read the rules:
My rules are quite simple.
1. Respect what Gackt has to say and as well respect each member of the fandom.
2. Do not take the translations, not even for yourself, without attaining permission from me first.
3. Do not redistribute the translations. If someone else would like to see it, please redirect them here.
4. Have fun, comment, and enjoy!
Here are the reasons for these rules! As well, I have updated the memories section in my LJ, so if you need to read older entries or such, you're welcomed to go take a look in there. With that said, let's move onto the journal entry.
I seem to be dying a little...
2005.05.18 (Wednesday)03:17
I have just returned now
And I must [go back]1 in an hour
[What is this?]2
Isn't this a [laughable]3 schedule?
I am dying, and I seem to be laughing as well
1. In the sentence, he used "to depart back to" so it implies he's going to be going back to wherever he just came from. (( Why didn't he just stayed there =o=? Was it not allowed? ))
2. He used a colloquial term here, "nanjya soriya?" Which is like saying in English "What is this?!" <= see, with the exclamation mark. As well it contains a little mocking tone. (( :P And he's picky about woman's use of language huh! ))
3. As in an "unbelievable" schedule that should be laughed at. Pity laughter sort of thing... or dry laughter... (( ha ha ha... I just hope he doesn't tire himself out... take note of the time he posted that... @@;; ))
Please comment about that you think of what he said. I would love to hear that. Personally, I hope he's all right. Even he realizes his scedule is a bit off the table, huh! Must be his company working him hard :O! (pets Gackt) :D Anyway, hope you all enjoyed that little entry! Another one coming as soon as I can manage to get it up.
@Edit: I just want to make sure everyone has gotten the email updates, so if possible, please notify your friends that might be interested that this entry is up. I was going to spam the comms, but ;~; I don't like doing that. All the spamming, so if you know people who are interested on your f-list, re-direct them here and remember to tell to send me the email for getting updates! Thank you all! I don't want anyone to miss out @@...