Title: Zaizen Hikaru
Character/s: Zaizen Hikaru of Shitenhouji
Anime/manga Series: Tennis no Ohjisama (The Prince of Tennis)
Rating: G
Summary: Separated and cleaned copy of my first Zaizen Hikaru fanart. Materials used:
feralarmada's pens, which I forgot, and Michiko's Lil Hands markers. They work out fine together.
Zaizen Hikaru }
The original, scanned copy of my planner with... wtf doodles on them.
I mean, Koharu. Ugh. What. And Zaizen in the bathroom brushing his teeth.
Atobe in... umm... leapard print.
Had to draw this for my RP group.
EDIT: Forgot to scan this! Dx
That's all~ Hope I didn't break your eyes.