done my AIMiatus i guess
i forgot i saw red riding hood the other day with mom it was really good. today i walked to ciara's, and despite being down to 85 pounds now i didn't cramp/have any asthma attacks or anything. it was 15 outside which to a canadian is SPRING TIME BITCHES. it felt good man. looking over the bridge for a long time staring at the water was nice too - the water is still sodding impossibly high due to that SNOW rain SNOW rain SNOW rain deal that was going for a few days. i also got a cute sundress at the mall before movies. also i palyed the tutorial for soem korean 'para para' game. i'll stick to ddr.......sob.
beat pokemon at ciara's - while for the most part i was irritated with changes to n's dialogue through the go from japanese to american, i was thoroughly pleased with everything present in the castle. especially ghetsis. no, mind, i'm not playing another skeevy old dude. no shut up.
also saturday/sunday i'll be at MTAC downtown dressed as hoboshota again. i will leave my camera on.
also connie does bad things to my yandere flist///