Mar 03, 2009 20:38
day two of being the best i can be...i'm getting there, slowly
everything can't change at once even i understand that
☆i took my pictures for my first photography assignment...that was due like two weeks ago orz (p-progress!) i'm gonna take pictures of ciara all dolled up for my third one, whoo
☆i was told by larry that my teacher was visiting on friday, and that everyone's...really impressed with my work, i'm so happy, really
☆I HUMPED GOT MEGAMIX~~~ i'm so happy since i get more chapters than i thought i would
g-GOD the fifth gen wilybots = ///=b
☆i'm so ahead in english in 'of mice and men' that it's pathetic and hilarious
☆i got long underwear so i'll be toasty-warm 8DDD
☆i got a sexy dress and sweater for europe in march break, i will work that dress unfff
☆i love decus and alice
☆i saw my fifth grade teacher at fortinos, i loled
☆i think that's everything
tales of symphonia 2,
mega man,
role playing