Who: Elizabeta Héderváry / Hungary
What: Setting up cameras and recording devices in strategic places
Where: A Janitor's Closet~
When: Early, before school
Why: Why, to get more delicious footage of course! <3
Shhh.... let the Mistress do her work~ )
Oh really~~ Roderich, you're so dedicated to your artform! It's one of your greatest strengths~
[/But it's also one of his greatest weaknesses, she can't help but think privately to herself. It would be really hard to come between him and his music if she wanted to pursue a relationship with him. ]
Ah... why am I here? [/A light chuckle can be heard as she ponders the matter a loud.] Why am> I here indeed? Well... you see, I er... wanted to help out the janitor today. You know... be helpful! He has a lot to clean up after... it's a messy school! And I'm really good at cleaning, you know? So I was just grabbing some supplies in here... That's all!
[/And there is no way on heaven or earth she's ever going to admit she was planting cameras and mikes in said janitor's closet to catch some of the action going on at this school. What's the point of collecting blackmail if they know she's watching and squealing at everything? Besides, the lie isn't completely ridiculous, she really is good at cleaning things.]
OOC: Aww... play bites. Well some people are into that kind of thing. ;D [/shot] ... It never ceases to amaze me how long it takes for me to reply to a short little thing like this. -more familiar with the third present, novel-style RPing- ... Or maybe not so small after all. ^^;
Thank you for saying so, Elisabeta.
[Listening attentively to the young woman's explanation, he can't help but notice a possible tinge of nervousness in her demeanor, which only helps to make him a tad more suspicious. What she says makes perfect sense to him however, as it should with anyone else.]
I see. That's very kind of you to help the school janitor, I must say. All these immature pranksters running around, constantly creating messes...it's a disgrace... Ah, I would hate to be disrupting you in any way. I shall head on to the music room.
(( OOC: Hmm, yes there are people like that. [/dies] I envy you. My ability to make something in novel-style has long been severely weakened. Forgive me for the delay. ))
[/Mentally she can't help but let out a sigh of relief that the lie worked. That was a close call! It wouldn't do for any of her victims subjects to know that she was watching! That was only fun after the data had been collected, not before intake! What if they tried to stop her? Just the thought of it leaves her feeling horrified. Of course if anyone were to try and stop her, they would come to have first hand experience with her and her frying pan of justice.]
Thank you Roderich. [/A light blush eliminates her features some more] It's only the responsible thing to do after all. I completely agree... it's so irresponsible how there are so many pranks going on! Course they make for good pictures too...
[/But now at this moment she's regretting the lie. She was almost done with this closet, but she's enjoying Roderich's company entirely too much. It's Roderich after all and this is an opportunity to spend some time with him, and hear him play more music.]
Ah, Roderich! .... Er... you don't mind if I start off in the music room with you~
[/Not to mention she should set up some cameras and mikes in the music room to capture some candid shots of her precious Roderich playing... and maybe she'll get lucky and capture him in the act with Gilbert?]
OOC: That there are. One should watch out for them. ;D [/dies along with you] Oh, thank you. ^^; Well it was my first form of roleplaying so it's like home to me I guess. Although lately I've been been doing a lot of chat style RP's on forums. You would be surprised at how long those could get. o w o; No, it's completely fine~ I think I'll be heading off to bed right now though... -starting to get sleepy-
Not at all. [A neutral expression returned to his features. To him, it would mean there would be someone there to listen to him play...someone who wasn't hiding, at least... it could happen.] Gather your things. I will wait for you.
[Of course he's going to wait. It would be rude not to. Though he takes the time to recall the proper path to the music room. Wouldn't want to get lost by not thinking it through, now would he?]
(( OOC: ^^ [/dies...again.] ;D RPs around here get quite long as well. And long RPs tend to always surprise me. xD Hope you sleep well~ Delayed... ^^;; ))
[/She nods her head at his words as she begins gathering her things, including her backpack and some cleaning supplies to keep up her alibi. Roderich was such a gentleman to wait for her! He wasn't like... certain Prussian idiots she knew.]
Here we go! [/A cheerful smile is on her lips] All ready to go~ Thanks for letting me accompany you.
OOC: ACK. LATE POST LIKE WOAH. D; [/wasn't honestly expecting so many replies; kinda got overwhelmed] ^^; But yes... long RPs are always a surprise. But it's cool. <3 Awwww... that icon of Roderich is so cute! I love my piano men. <3 [/plays the piano herself]
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