Who: Sadiq Adnan (Turkey)
What: Smoking like the fancy Turk he is. And eating yogurt. He may be trying to study, but it's not really happening.
Where: Under a tree outside even though it friggin' freezing cold out.
When: After classes.
Why: There's a stupid test in his Biology class tomorrow, and he may have accidentally skipped the last few days
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[As he approached closer, and then even closer until he finally could see what he was studying perfectly. Just peering from right over Sadiq's shoulder, and his scarf hanging loose down onto Sadiq's book he could clearly see the chapter subject: Biology. Easy enough, he thought.]
Ack! Can't ya even say a "hello"? [He scowls, closing the book quickly so that Heracles couldn't examine it any more than he needed to. No one needed to know that he was studying]
[As Sadiq closed the book in a hurry, a piece of paper flew out from the book. Heracles caught it, taking a look at his notes. He squinted his eyes trying to read the handwriting, most of it in Turkish.. so he definitely couldn't read it.] Wow, so you really are studying.
[He realizes a piece of paper had flown out of his book, tries to grab it before Heracles could, but ultimately fails. The Grecian was already reading it, and Sadiq let out a long sigh. Defeated. What a frickin' busy-body] Yes, I'm studying! What's wrong with that? I need to pass the class if I wanna graduate!
[Everyone was acting like he was terminally ill for studying]
[He crumpled up the paper and tossed it at his head.] Oh yeah, you weren't in class a few days. Now you're screwed.
[He glances back up at Heracles. Why fight when he could be stealing the other boy's warmth? Reaching up, the Turk tugs on the boy's scarf, trying to pull him down] Yeah well...~ Why go to class when I have better things to do?
[He furrowed his brows at the last sentence. There was just nothing he could be doing that was more important than school. Unless it was some stupid talent search. He snorted at the thought.] Better things to do? I really hope that means you've found a day job or something.
[Even though they weren't exactly dating or anything; in fact, he really had no idea how to categorize this "relationship". Ah well, why dwell on it?]
Hey, you're in no position to be pokin' fun at me, kid! [Sadiq smiles, just wrapping his arms around the boy tighter] And no. But sleeping in is always a fine excuse to me~
[Leaning back onto Sadiq was easy enough when he felt the arms wrap around him. He snatched the biology book back up and opened it up to the page he had last.] I'll agree that school should start later... I like sleeping in myself. But then everyone would stay up longer and still be late.
[He grins, resting his chin on the top of the other boy's head so he could peer at the book as well. This whole "agreeing" thing was turning out to be rather nice, even if it was few and far in between] Hey, there'd be more parties n'stuff. Booze isn't a bad thing~ Such a pessimist.
[It was sort of weird just relaxing with Sadiq. They're still arguing of course, but it was just a confusing relationship to him.] I'm not a pessimist. It's not like I can change worktimes... But that is what the weekends are for.
[Heracles's hair smelled like cinnamon, he decided. He was hardly paying attention to what the Grecian in his lap was saying, reaching up to twirl the wavy locks around his finger instead] Eh, what were ya saying again? [It was no surprise he did bad in class, really] Something about work times. You have a job?
Not really. Just a seasonal one. I don't want to bother with tight days of school and work. [His head subconciously leaned onto the hand that was playing with his hair. It was nice and in a way, he reacts like a cat would.]
[His grin only widens, one hand still playing with the strands of hair] Cats like being scratched behind the ears though, right? [He lowers his head to playfully trail a kiss around the boy's jaw, just below his ear. It was so fun to tease Heracles] Oh, and totally understandable about that work stuff~ [Not that he was listening much anyway]
[Heracles was blushing once again. Sadiq certainly got braver doing this out in an even more populated area.] You're not even listening, stupid. [He closed the book immediately and pushed the book between his and Sadiq's current contact, right in his face. He could tease too.]
[Suddenly there is a cold, hard surface on his face that caused him to end the sentence. Sadiq's head recoils instantly and he reaches a hand up to rub his forehead, face red in annoyance. Stupid kid!] Now why'd you do that? Don't pretend like you didn't enjoy it, brat~
[Sadiq ultimately decides he doesn't like Heracles's form of "teasing". No fun. He grabs the book from the boy, bopping him on the top of his head with it] Well since you're so smart, are you gonna help me study for this thing?
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