So as of midnight tonight, I will only have one address. Met with the lawyers, met with the people that want my place, and they agreed with everything. They have the furniture, dishes, everything except my clothes. It's weird. I guess I should start looking for a place around here. I'll start this weekend
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Seriously, do you want anything for those cookies? I'd pay you for more. They were amazing! I wasn't joking either about wanting a recipe that combines chocolate and apples. I don't know if one exists, but if it does, I'm trying it.
You don't need to pay me unless you want over four dozen at a time. Then I'd need payment. I always made those for my brothers. Crap, I totally forgot about finding the recipe for you! I swear, I keep forgetting what I'm supposed to be doing all the time, I'm just so busy.
Don't worry about the recipe. and I think I'd want another 2 dozen, but I dont' want to bother you. Maybe I should grab that recipe from you too. they were amazing.
If you're sure. It's no problem, not like I have anything better to do in my spare time until I start my marching drills. I plan to post the recipe soon, you aren't the only one who wanted that recipe.
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