Aug 28, 2007 00:01
OOC: strikes are completely, utterly deleted.
I can't believe I found this cd. It was buried with my other things, but it wasn't labeled. I decided to put it on and almost fell over laughing. I'd forgotten about it, forgot that the regulars got special advanced copies. I wonder if anyone else still has theirs? He can really sing, which pisses me off. Between Atobe and Yuushi....well, it's not fair.
So I'm sitting here on Pika-san alone. It's really quiet here when no one is around. So far, I've played with Skippy, talked to Doomie, was allowed to touch Pyrrha (Shinji, I moved your pickles to another shelf), and cleaned the bathroom. I was going to do laundry but I decided not to. I did enough yesterday. It's amazing how comfortable Pika-san is. Atobe, I still say he's getting bigger in some way. It's probably just the stuffing shifting. I have been spending more time on him than before. I like how there's a plug next to him so I can bring my laptop with me when I want to type something (like now) when the battery is dying(like it did). I don't like using the other one (it's just for school).
Have to go back to Tokyo next week. I'll probably just go by myself. I won't be gone too long, maybe a day or two. I don't even know if anyone will be around here. I don't want to spend too much time in Tokyo, it's not home anymore. Here is home though it's starting to feel empty, just like Tokyo. Maybe I should start looking for a place here. It'd be nice to have a place that I can escape to, some place that's away from everyone. That way, I don't have to feel bad when I want to shut myself off from the world. But then they'd wonder what was happening with me, and I'd feel bad for making them worry. I wish I knew what to do. I think I'm going to get rid of my place in Tokyo. I know I said it before, but when I'm up there, I"m going to talk to the lawyers to see if they can sell it. It's a waste of money. Someone else could be living in it full time. I'd feel bad though because I'd be putting people out of a job. I don't know what to do. Though I'm supposed to figure out who my executor will be. They want to know by my birthday. Why the hell do I have to do this now? I don't understand it. At least they waited until after finals to mention it.
Speaking of finals...I thought they were supposed to be hard? I'm going to apologize to anyone who takes offense to this, but they were a waste of time. Our teachers are giving us our results back tomorrow morning via email. Some of us know what are marks are already. We were given our grade going into the exam, and depending on when you finished, the prof would mark it while you waited. Most I got wrong was 3 wrong. One was because I forgot that I was working with moles, not mL. Instead of putting mol, I put mL. I'm not upset. It'll be nice to have everything finalized though.
Oh, and Aiko called and asked if I could babysit again. Said she wanted to get things ready for the party. Masato is going to be a year old the week before my birthday. She wants to have a little party for him, but doesn't want to have to drag him around picking things up. I told her that I'd watch him. I miss him. So he'll be here for a bit tomorrow, and then Wednesday. I might see if she wants me to take him for a bit every day this week. She needs a break. It'll give me something to do as well.
I guess I should go get some sleep. It's late already. Maybe I'll just stay here. I have my blanket with me already.
being alone,
making the fangirls happy,