More Sims: Death and Taxes...I mean Personality Traits

Jun 12, 2012 19:27

So, I'm thinking I might stop doing Sims posts since LJ seems pretty dead and there's not a lot of point in trying to amuse people that aren't around. idk. Here's at least one more, though, and this one is both a doozy and sort of boring, which is weird.

Surprise, motherfucker!

It's normally adorable when the little kids play in the toybox, but it turns out to be motherfucking creepy when the vampire babies do it, what with their little glowy eyes and all.

Pretty much all anyone did this playcycle was age up. It was just birthdays, birthdays, and then more birthdays, which is how it always seems to go with kids in the house. Raising Sim kids is SO DULL and I don't know why I keep doing it. I need to just go through and adopt teenagers so I can dump them out into the town ill equipped to deal with reality.

I did, however, decide that it was time to let Imogene and Klaus move on, but instead of tossing them out into the city and having to check on them every two minutes to see how many new kids they have, I had Klaus go down to the science building and get them some vampire cure so they could just get old and die like regular mortals. Interesting thing (to me) is that, prior to this, I had no idea what colour Imogene's eyes really were because they were always vampire orange. Seems vamp orange translates to dark, dark brown, which I think is what colour Arkady had way, way back in the day.

She looks good, for a filthy mortal.

Other amusing thing, once again, probably just to me, is that for CENTURIES I've been dressing Imogene in shades of brown and decorating her stuff in shades of brown because I thought it was her favourite colour. Turns out it's not. It's blue. So for all these years she's been wandering around in a colour she doesn't even care for because I can't tell the difference between blue and spice brown. Sad.

And I didn't take a picture of human Klaus since he was a human there for awhile and we've already seen that. ..or, um, not, since I can't seem to find a screengrab of that. Oh well. >_>

So here's a picture of Wallace and his rubber arms.

Since it's my never ending goal to force my Sims into arranged marriages, I went out and found a lady for Romeo. Or, more aptly, I hired a maid since no one else would clean up all the cat vomit on the carpets, they'd just complain about it, and then I made her and Romeo talk a lot and THEN get engaged.

He even dressed up for the occasion! No garbage bin engagement for him!:

Their kids are going to be so gloriously blonde! Finally, the curse of reddish brown/blonde is lifted!

Just before I had him hurry home for the rest of the day, I had him bite up his lady love, Lacy, so she could join him in eternal youth. And so I wouldn't call her up for the wedding only to have had her age up on me like they always do. *fist shake at ill timed aging*

Speaking of aging, Imogene got all of literally two DAYS of being a human adult before the years slammed into her like a semi truck full of bricks.

She still looks good.

Eventually Klaus aged up, too, but I never got a picture of that because I think I just really don't like Klaus. He's SO fucking worthless. Like, he'll be SO HUNGRY or SO DIRTY and instead of queuing himself up to take a shower or get a meal, he'll decide the best course of action is to play video games on the computer, and then complain that he's hungry/dirty/needs to pee. And when the kids were babies/toddlers? They'd be upstairs wailing for food and he'd be like 'whatever, I think I'll play the drums even though I'm the only adult in the house right now.' UGH, KLAUS.

Anyway. It's the middle of the night and I'm cycling through my people/cats to see if anyone needs anything, and I notice that Romeo is feeling a little peckish. I wake him up from his vampiric slumber and send him upstairs to get some tasty plasma juice out of the fridge and move on to check Selene and the triplets, when suddenly the camera pans back to Romeo in the kitchen.

Standing literally one square from the fridge, Romeo is clutching his chest and reaching for the sky...and then the Grim Reaper shows up. What the hell???? Romeo is young! Fit! In the prime of his life! So I grab Captain Fucking Useless in hopes of getting him to bargain with the devil for Romeo's life ('take me instead! I'm old and useless!'), but, alas, I couldn't even get the option to come up and Romeo ended up a pile of dust on the floor.

Baby is so sad now. :(

And then Klaus swept him up and dumped him in the trash compactor. WHAT THE FUCK, KLAUS? Way to treat your *counts on fingers* sixth born. Oh, he's dead, let me just check him in the rubbish bin. Ugh, I am aghast. Aghast and saddened because, damn, I had plans for Romeo. He was engaged! Poor Lacy is a vampire now and is going to have to live forever with the memory of her dead love and the cute blonde babies they were going to have.

*sniffles* Never was there a tale of more woe than that of my Sims, in particular Romeo.

And since someone died, you know what happened next.





I think this is when Klaus aged up, too, but fuck Klaus, callus bastard.

With Romeo suddenly out of the picture and Selene's High School boyfriend FINALLY aging up, it was time for another garbage bin engagement.

Aw, it's so stinky and dark.

Meet Fabian, everyone.


Fabian here is a useless waste of meat. He wants to learn to write, but he's technophobic and won't get near a computer. He's married to a hopeless romantic, but he doesn't like to flirt. He's clumsy, he's a mooch, and basically all he ever wants to do is bone. I'm trying desperately to get him up to 20,000 lifetime reward points so I can buy him a midlife crisis and make him less terrible, but literally the only thing he wants to do is woo hoo. Every day he's like 'hey, I wanna woo hoo with Selene' (which I guess I should be glad it's his wife and not, like, her mom or something), so they're just boffing like bunnies to get him to my goal. Bleh.

Then it was time for more birthdays. But, before that, I once again tracked down Tabitha, Nathan's non-cousin boning result bastard.

Yay, I'm not inbred!

She's sort of cute, I guess.

Ursula, again!

And a close up on Ursula's creepy dead shark eyes.

Viola! She's rather pretty.

Wallace! Counting the days until he's an adult.

So, there ya go. Imogene and Klaus should be dying soon so I can add them to the family plot that the cemetery basically is. Selene and Fabian will be moving OUT as soon as I make him not suck. Wallace should pack his bags now because I've been planning on chucking him since day one. Ursula is going to cut a swath of loving through the town, but probably not at my hand (she's insane, you know). And since Romeo is dead, the next generation is getting pinned on Viola and her hair. Good luck, Viola!


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