Netgi lašišą valgyt nesveika

Mar 14, 2010 15:43

Visi juk sako, kad lašiša - tai jau tikrai sveika.

"Industrial salmon operations use a number of other chemicals to raise marketable fish. All of these pose known and potential risks to human health. These substances include oxytetracycline, an antibiotic that may lead to antibiotic resistance. Similar to the controversial use of antibiotics by the poultry and livestock industries, factory salmon farms must prevent fish from infecting one another with diseases. Because of the high prevalence of drugs on salmon farms, unwary consumers may ingest untold amounts of antibiotics".

"Contaminants like dieldrin, dioxins, toxaphene, and PCBs are often found in food and nutritional supplements manufactured for aquaculture. Because of this, farmed salmon have higher concentrations of toxics than wild salmon.9  Although the U.S. EPA recommends eating salmon no more than once or twice a week, a 2004 study by independent researchers found much higher levels of toxic contaminants in farmed salmon than previously thought. These scientists recommended as little as one serving of salmon per month"

Jei tokius tekstus būčiau atkapsčiusi prieš metus, būčiau labai nusivylusi - taigi taip skanu.
Dabar mąstau - taigi taip brangu, na, ir gerai, kad nesveika, bus mažiau pagundos švaistyt pinigus. O gal net ir susimąstysiu, kad žuvys - taip pat gyvūnai ir nereikia jų valgyti.

Žinoma, galima tuo ir netikėt.

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