Insomnia Creativity

Mar 13, 2009 08:07

I couldn't sleep last night. I had to really force myself at about 3:30. I went to bed but no sleep... only thoughts of a writing project. Well kind of a writing project... Many of you know that the past month or so my life has been inundated with Zombies. And off and on even before that for a few years. Doing make-up effects, thinking about the movie i may be working on this summer, that kinda thing. For some reason ideas for a zombie story were shambling around in my head. i felt i needed to get them down on "paper" so that my brain would clear up enough to sleep. So i did.... mutiple ideas... i can see several "scenes" that i want and i have the world sketched out. Now i need to start developing some character sketches outline of the peoples life.
Its been so long since i have had any creative ideas of this magnitude, i am excited, but also concerned that my ideas will dry up way before i can get this anywhere near where i want it to be.
i think the final goal would be to see a bunch of us film a trailer or very short feature of it someday. I have no real ambition to make a full length movie from my idea. this isnt even something i planned at all.... just came on rather suddenly....
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