I've had some time to decompress from constant gaming, both FGS and World of Warcraft, and it's been relaxing not having to go somewhere or do something all the time such that all free time disappears into a black hole. I will not be running Age of Dragons: Veterans this winter/spring, and after talking to my co-conspirator
marcus_sez_vote something in the future would definitely not be out of the question... I fully expect it to run again some time, just not in the immediate future. Reason being that it is a very demanding game to run (though I do enjoy running it) as it's always a new world to create and then maintain each week, thus it takes a fair amount of endurance to pull off ; )
On the other hand, I do feel the itch to participate in another regular game, and I'm seriously considering starting up a Warcraft tabletop. Now I know what some are you might be thinking... that addict can't get enough of the MMORPG so he's just getting his fix another way... but the setting has a very rich and cool history and the more I think about it the more it reminds me of Earthdawn. Anyway, there are published rules for it - d20 (D&D 3.5), and I am curious if anyone might be interested in PCing.
It would likely be a long-term weekly game on Sundays that keeps going through summer and winter vacations, most likely starting this summer, and 4-5 players would probably be the sweet spot. Setting would be just after Warcraft 3X: Frozen Throne and a couple years before World of Warcraft, party makeup could be both alliance and horde, race list still TBD but most likely include the 8 playable in WoW + Goblins & High/Blood Elves. No prior Warcraft knowledge needed, high fantasy with some steam tech is the setting. Classes would include Warrior, Priest, Druid, Shaman, Mage, Warlock, Tinker (creates tech, usually Gnomes/Goblins), Barbarian, Hunter, Rogue, Paladin, Scout and prestige classes such as Blademaster, Knight, Archmage of Kirin Tor, etc.
http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/races/ (ignore racial traits)
Anyway, suggestions/comments are most certainly welcome, I'm still in the planning stages.