Earlier today, NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco
confirmed what researchers have been saying for weeks: plumes of oil have been spreading throughout the Gulf of Mexico.
Water samples collected by the R/V Weatherbird II vessel have confirmed biodegraded crude oil in two undersea layers as far as 40 nautical miles northeast of BP’s seabed leak, NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco said at a press briefing. The vessel’s samples show oil as deep as 3,300 feet in the water, Lubchenco said.
"The bottom line is that yes, there is oil in the water column, it’s at very low concentrations, and we will continue to release those data as soon as they are available," Lubchenco said at a press conference held jointly with Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen. "That doesn’t mean that it does not have significant impact."
The New York Times notes that NOAA's findings follow in the path of research conducted by independent scientists:
The announcement of test results appeared to confirm information first presented three weeks ago by two other groups of researchers, from the University of Georgia and the University of Southern Mississippi, regarding huge plumes of dispersed oil droplets. Those scientists have not yet completed their analysis of the water samples they collected, but one of them, Samantha Joye of the University of Georgia, held a news conference Tuesday where she presented detailed instrument readings. Those readings confirm that a plume, probably consisting of hydrocarbons from the leak, stretches through the deep ocean for at least 15 miles west of the gushing oil well, Dr. Joye said.
Bacteria appear to be consuming the oil-related compounds at a furious pace, Dr. Joye said. That is depleting the water of oxygen, she said, though not yet to a level that would kill sea creatures.
Despite the findings of independent researchers and today's formal acknowledgment from the government, BP has for weeks maintained that there were no undersea plumes.