"I don't want to be hung over tomorrow."--Jessica

Jan 16, 2006 08:56

I've been pretty stressed out with studying (or lack thereof) for my two back-to-back tests. I'm taking the GRE and my final Board of Education Licensing exams with in 2 weeks of each other.

I don't remember all those rules about a negatives times a positive equals a whatever. I love algebra though, and when the person next to me on the train asked me if I was a rocket scientist, I had to say yes. I just wish I didn't look like such a huge nerd in glasses.


So I decided to take a break and go out on the town last night. I got to wear my favorite shoes in the whole wide world..

On the train I had a 20 oz. coke that I had saturated with cheap rum. Everytime I took a sip, the smell of alcohol permeated the entire train car. So I sat next to this bum so that everyone would think it was him.

At the bar I proceeded to get drunk out of my mind. At one point, a bunch of Asian people filed into the bar and I said "THERE ARE SO MANY ASIANS!". Well, one of them heard me. He proceeded to go on and on about how he was Irish, not Asian, and wouldn't leave until I promised to post his picture on the internet.

My friend Chris, who is a firefighter, swung by in the fire engine with his company to say hi outside the bar. Jessica and I ran into traffic blind drunk, and dodged death a few times as the fireman screamed "YOU'RE GOING TO GET HIT BY A CAR!". The bouncer thought I was sooo the shit for having all the fireman come say hi, that he let my underage brother in with no contest.

Here's some pics from the night:

<---drinking my beer, which is in Dave's pocket, with a straw. Yeah, it got that bad.

At 3 a.m. we were starting to crash, so we ate a buttload of pixie stix which I had in my bag, and left.

On my walk to the house from the train station, it was snowing and the streets were empty. I was shivering and creeped out by how silent everything was. I can't believe I made it to my door, because this is how I saw things:

Copyright Jane Callahan 2006
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