
Sep 12, 2012 15:41

Character Information:

Name: Gail Flynn
Age: 29 (Birthday: December 13th)
Gender: Female
Occupation: Arcadia Movement representative to Duel Academy/Duel College, substitute teacher.
Duel Information: Dragunities (Ace Card: Mach Dragon)
PB and/or Description: Cynthia (Pokemon)


Upon meeting Gail, one thing is clear: she's been through the wringer a few times. Spending the last 12 years of her life running or helping outreach programs of some kind has more or less completely defined her person at this point. She's an endlessly compassionate person, but time has also forged her into a cautious one. She's not the type to give the shirt off her back just because someone asks, but she considers herself a judge of good character, and is kind to most people she meets. She deals with the oftentimes bleak nature of her job by remaining optimistic and, in her own words, "the day I stop believing people are basically good is the day I stop being able to get out of my bed."

Unfortunately, Gail's dedicated nature often materializes in another way: She becomes obsessed with her own failures. She blames herself, wonders what she could've done differently, and goes back and tries to fix whatever she did wrong (often unsuccessfully). Eventually, slowly as it may be, she learns to move on. But this trait often manifests itself in a far more self-destructive manner: revenge. Most of the time, Gail is a very understanding person, willing to forgive any number of mistakes or even a blatantly malicious act as long as the person feels genuine remorse and tries to make good on it. But otherwise, if she (or somebody she happens to care about) gets burned, she can and will hunt that person down. And, no, it's never made her feel any better. Fighting rarely does. As Psychic Duelists go, Gail is quite skilled both as a fighter and a duelist, but she doesn't know quite how she got that way. She prefers to teach, to help other Psychics. But she knows that, unfortunately, the way the world works, sometimes one works more than the other. It doesn't stop her from trying to do both, though.


The bulk of the events that define Gail as she is today are, for the most part, too numerous and too similar to one another to describe while maintaining both depth and brevity. But, as much as those somewhat monotonous events should not be discounted, there are several happenings in specific that are entirely unique to themselves, that have had a markedly greater effect on her than the others.

She didn't realize it at the time, but her abilities as a Psychic Duelist first materialized when she was a young girl, living in the city of Sherbrooke (a city in Quebec). During a duel she was by all rights about to lose, her monster refused to be removed from the field, no matter how many attacks or effects came at it. At the time, the children chalked it up to a a malfunction of the dueling arena and moved on. It became harder to ignore some weeks later during a routine sledding expedition, Gail and two of her friends lost control of their sled and went flying, her friends respectively slamming into a rock and a snow bank while Gail herself wound up hitting an oak tree. The accident should've left not enough intact bones between the three for one person, but none of them had a single injury. Except Gail, who complained of a sudden massive migraine and passed out. She was taken to the hospital, and there it was discovered that she was a Psychic Duelist with the ability to generate barriers and lessen the body's awareness that it was in pain.

Gail herself admits that although her life changed at this point, compared to nearly every other Psychic Duelist she's spoken to, it wasn't nearly as bad. Her family, friends and neighbors all accepted this with relative ease (the fact that her ability had saved her and her friends from bodily harm rather than inflicting it certainly made it easier). The worst of it was that she had to wear her limiter in plain sight before anybody would duel her because her monsters refused to die. Strangely enough though, when winter came around and it was time to pick teams for hockey, it would always go missing and she would be the first person picked. For the most part, Gail's childhood was pleasant.

When she was nearing the end of high school (long since having stopped using her ability except in emergencies, in an attempt to avoid undue attention), Gail began hearing of support groups for Psychic Duelists. Eager to meet others like her, she joined one of these groups and learned how badly Psychics who were less able to control their abilities than she was were treated and the stigma that surrounded them. Either out of guilt or compassion, Gail decided at that point that she would help others like her. Throughout the rest of her schooling and beyond she participated in various outreach and social work for other Psychics. She dedicated her entire life to it. Which is why, towards the end of 2008, when a mysterious man known as "Divine" showed up with a massive international organization seemingly overnight and promised to provide a home and support for Psychics, she was overjoyed and went to join the Arcadia Movement immediately, moving to Montreal and becoming situated in its North American branch.

To this day, it's one of Gail's greatest regrets that she was a member of the Movement for so long without realizing the dark secrets behind it. She and others were assured by the head of that branch, a woman named Rebecca Cardinal, that any news they heard from other parts of the world regarding any misdeeds of their leader were merely lies and slander to try and paint their Movement as one full of monsters. Knowing full well the stigma surrounding psychics, Gail believed this at first. But her trust had its limits and as time went on, she became suspicious and began trying to ascertain the exact truth of what their leader was up to. Through careful investigation of a Japanese city called Domino, she learned the horrifying truth of the experiments that Divine oversaw and all the people that were dying because of them.

Unfortunately, her snooping did not go unnoticed by Cardinal, who was less than appreciative of Gail's sneaking around and definitely did not approve of her plans to expose Divine's activities. A fight ensued, and Cardinal quickly revealed just what Divine saw in her - using a Mind Master Duel Spirit, she achieved an ability she referred to as "Cross Synchro", the use of a Tuner monster that uses a human as Synchro material, giving that human the immense power of a Synchro monster. Achieving the form of the Hyper Psycho Gunner, Cardinal was too strong for Gail's own formidable psychic powers, even destroying a psychic construct of her ace monster, Mach Dragon, with ease. Cardinal threw Gail in a cell and, perhaps to twist the knife of her loss in a little further (and to overwhelmingly proved to Gail that Cardinal was completely insane, from how jovially she spoke of it), gave her a challenge: She was going to start the same experiments in that branch that Divine had been doing in Domino for so long. If Gail's ability was all it was cracked up to be, she'd be able to stop those being experimented on from dying.

What followed were the most grueling, torturous, mentally exhaustive days of Gail's life. Her ability was pushed to limits she didn't even know existed trying to stand as a shield against Cardinal's horrifying inhumane experiments. In the back of her mind, even as she tried her hardest, she knew her efforts were for naught. Unable to offensively use her telekinetic abilities as other Psychics could without her deck (which she didn't have), she couldn't break out of her prison, and forced to her absolute mental limit, she'd eventually die. But Gail was nothing if not stubborn. She'd defy Cardinal to her last breath, if that was all that was left for her to do.

After roughly 5 days, Gail woke up and was greeted only by a small dragon Duel Spirit, Dragunity - Brandistock. She initially considered the dragon little more than a hallucination of one of her favorite cards and gave it no heed. She was forced to quickly pay attention, however, when the Dragunity began revealing choice facts about what was going on outside of her cell: Divine was dead, for one. Knowledge of what he had been doing had come out, and Cardinal and her followers were violently attempting to keep order. Having faced Cardinal firsthand, Gail knew exactly what the outcome of that would be and tried (unsuccessfully) to break out. The Brandistock decided to offer its help on the condition that Gail help him with something when this matter was concluded. Without bothering to wait to hear what the condition was, Gail accepted, and the Brandistock offered its card to her. Summoning the card with what was left of her powers, Brandistock used its unique body structure to break out of the cell with ease. It didn't take long for her and the dragon to find Cardinal, laying waste to an attempted uprising. In a moment of clarity that surprised even her, she knew what she had to do. She asked Brandistock to assist her once more. The Dragunity spirit acquiesced. And so, with the spirit's help, Gail achieved Cross Synchro herself, taking the form of Dragunity Knight - Vajuranda. What followed was a grueling battle and one that was not without injury to more people than just Gail, but one that ended in Cardinal's defeat nonetheless.

During the course of Gail's recovery (before even fighting Cardinal, she'd been using her ability almost nonstop for near a week, with little in the way of food, water or sleep), the Arcadia Movement hastened to fill its power vaccuum in the face of the deaths of both Divine and Cardinal (Gail soon learned that almost every branch leader instilled by Divine had been toppled in the days and weeks following his death as well, as their corruption became evident). However, there were still plenty of psychics who were loyal to Divine, even in death, and wouldn't stand for the removal of his influence. Thus, due to her demonstrated determination fighting Cardinal, Gail was appointed head of a security team (composed of others who had helped her in that battle) dedicated to protecting the Movement and the city as a whole from what was left of Divine's followers. She didn't relish the position, she wanted to help with those that had been harmed by Divine and Cardinal's experiments. But she knew that Divine's followers wouldn't go down easily, and her newly discovered ability to use Cross Synchro would be a vital edge against them. Reluctantly, she accepted the position, pledging to do it as quickly and cleanly as possible, then get back to helping the Movement rebuild and move forward.

In the guerrilla warfare that followed, Gail's ability to preform Cross Synchro proved invaluable. Divine had left behind some very powerful, very [i]violent[/i] disciples, but against her rapidly evolving ability, not to mention the rest of her team, cleaning them out was a far simpler task, if still a protracted one. This continued for nearly a year, until Gail and her team happened upon what seemed like a routine encounter, a Warm Warlord and innumerable groups of Worm Apocalypse were causing trouble within the city. They attempted to deal with it in the normal manner, only to find out that it wasn't a psychic construct they were dealing with, but a very real, very solid Duel Monster. Though dumbfounded by this, the psychics still fought the monster and had a definite upper hand. However, before they defeated the Warlord, the sky tore open and a meteor fell to the ground, from which the Worm King emerged. With the leader of the worms arrived, the tide of the battle turned rapidly and the psychics were all defeated handily. Even Gail proved not to be a match for the formidable reptile, and she was forced out of Cross Synchro. Then, while she was down, Brandistock was taken by the Worm Warlord and just as quickly as they had appeared, the Worms left Gail and her team for dead and vanished. Gail learned soon after from the extent of their injuries at the hands of the Worm King, they probably would have all died if not for Gail's ability shielding them.

After their devastating loss to the Worms, Gail's team was more or less disbanded. Most of Divine's followers were gone from the city, and expending the resources to try and drag out the remainders without Gail's ability to Cross Synchro would've only resulted in more death and injury on their end. There wasn't much of anything left for the remaining psychics loyal to Divine to do, with them so few in number and his memory fading more and more each day, so the operation was simply considered over. With it, Gail was offered a new job. The main Arcadia Movement branch, located in Domino City, was looking for a representative to the two dueling schools there, Duel Academy and Duel College, as there was a growing amount of overlap in their membership (those schools being...accustomed to dealing with students that weren't entirely normal). Gail had a degree in education, so she was the first the North American branch recommended for the position. Initially, Gail turned down the offer, reluctant to leave her home behind, and refusing to leave while she still had to look for the abducted Brandistock. However, fortune chose to smile on Gail when she heard of a meteor shower that had been seen in the very same city, and apparent rumors of aliens and UFOs. Half on a hunch and half on desperation (and half because the paycheck sounded pretty awesome too), Gail went back and accepted the job. Within a few days, she was on her way to Domino City.


As a Psychic Duelist, Gail possesses the ability to generate telekinetic barriers around a person to defend them. The barriers potentially can be very powerful, but if she creates too many or puts too much force into them, the strain on Gail can add up very quickly. However, she's created hundreds if not thousands of barriers, and she's only been able to not handle it to the point of unconsciousness once in her life, and that was in far less than optimal circumstances. She also possesses the ability to lessen the body's awareness that it's in pain. Note, she can't take away the pain or heal injuries, she can only mask it. She also, like all Psychic Duelists, can summon psychic constructs of her monsters that can inflict real damage, but her constructs, thanks to her barriers, also carry the distinction of being incredibly tenacious and often unwilling to die. To prevent her abilities from interfering with her duels while also leaving her able to use her other abilities with impunity if need be, she has a special case for her limiters (a pair of bracelets) that completely nullify their ability to limit her powers.

Gail also possesses the ability to unite with her partner, Brandistock, in the process of Cross Synchro, becoming a cross between a human and a Synchro monster. With this ability, not only can she take on the forms of various Dragunity Knight monsters, but she can also use her greatly boosted Psychic abilities to call other Dragunities to her aid, as well as use Spell and Trap support. Before Brandistock was abducted, she had been able to take on the forms of Vajrunda, Gae Blug and Gadearg but she and Brandistock had hit something of a roadblock, unable to access anything stronger than that.

Duel Spirit: Dragunity - Brandistock
Name: Brandistock
Personality: Brandistock is a very matter-of-fact dragon, and in a way, that's why he appreciates Gail as a partner. She gets things done, and he values that. Despite his stature, he is one of the most hardened of the Dragunities, and will not break, no matter what happens to him. He is very patient and very methodical, adopting a belief that if something is to be done, it's to be done once and be done right. These invaluable traits are what led him to be chosen as the envoy of the Dragunities to the human world.
History: Brandistock is one of the mythological warriors of the Mist Valley, a Dragunity. There was once a time when there was no one who could dispute that these legendary warriors ruled the sky. But that time came to an abrupt end when the mysterious life form known only as the "Worm" appeared from space. Nearly the entirety of the Mist Valley was taken and assimilated by the Worm, and it was all the Dragunities could do to retreat. The once great race of birds and dragons now lay in hiding from the Worm. Realizing the Worm's wicked ambitions and that they cannot hide forever, they quietly sent envoys to other worlds to warn of the Worm and gather help. Brandistock was chosen to go to the human world, where he met Gail. Unfortunately, Gail was quite distracted with the matters of the Arcadia Movement at the time, so Brandistock sat on the knowledge, instead choosing to offer to help her deal with her matters if she would do the same for him. Brandistock did this because he knew it would be years, decades before the Worm ever found his brethren in the secluded canyon they currently hid in. If Gail was to help him, he needed to make sure there was total trust between the two, and there were no distractions clouding her mind. Unfortunately, it was a great deal easier for the Worm to find him than it was his brethren, and they attacked the city in the human world where he was residing, defeating Gail and her fellow psychics and abducting him. Currently, the Worm are pressing him for the location of the Dragunities, but he refuses to tell them. How long he can hold out, however, remains to be seen...

Abilities: Besides being very fast and very sharp, Brandistock can unite with Gail through the process of Cross Synchro. After fighting together for nearly a year, the two have a naturally high rate of synchronization, but it's held back by Brandistock withholding knowledge of the Worm from Gail.

Why is your character here?: Ostensibly, the Duel Terminal plot, but I've had the idea for a Psychic character of this kind rollin' around in my head for like half a year now. Thanks for giving me a way to finally use her, Mon.
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