Dec 06, 2004 17:39
oh man we finally got our christmas tree is the same every year, my parents expect me to decorate the whole thing so then i start but my mom incists that im doing it wrong so we end up yelling at each other...ahh the holiday spirit haha, but it just isnt the same christmas tree if it didnt go up without a fight..but never the less it is up now and pretty nice i must say haha.....oh man, ok so after the tree was up, well my cat had been nearly bouncing off the wall with excitment since we got the tree inside, and she had been eyeing it up since we got it i went up stairs after the decorating and then i hear my mom "ABBY COME QUICK" so i book downstairs to find my my cat had scaled nearly 3/4 of the tree and was just sitting there...she then leaped off the tree and ran away....what a sight i must say, would have made a perfect christmas card haha...but that was my excitement...oh yea on saturday i went and busted a mad jig at the dance...that was so funny i cant belive i was at a dance haha...then sunday spent most of the day with was alot of fun, we whatched pearl harbor, and 13 going on 30..well we whatched the begining and end of 13 going on 30..we missed the middle haha:P;) well anyways thats neought for concert on thursday allready!!!! so i gotta go shopping! haha well peace...