
Apr 02, 2005 10:03

This has been a long week. We had a Torts make-up class on Wednesday night. The reading I'd done for Torts on Monday was actually discussed on Wednesday, so there wasn't really extra work (though I had to read some medical malpractice articles for discussion on Monday), but it still made it difficult to do work for Thursday, since I usually get that done (or mostly done) on Wednesday night.

On Fridays, I normally have only one class, Crim Pro 10:30-12:00, but yesterday I had to do a practice oral argument at 4:30, so I was on campus longer than usual. I wasn't nervous at all...until I stood up to make my argument. Then I stumbled over words, and got a little out of order, but it could have been worse. At least I did make the arguments I wanted to make and I answered questions pretty well.

I was so tired by the time I got home in the evening though. I didn't get anything done yesterday, so hopefully I get some reading done today. We have a bunch of Contracts cases to read for Monday. The professor says that we will go through them quickly and she appointed individual people to present them in class (of which I am not one), so theoretically the rest of us don't have to concentrate on them as much. But for me, I don't see what I'm supposed to not do. I still have to read them, highlight them, and brief them. We don't usually know ahead of time when we'll be presenting a case; if I were one of the people presenting, I might do a little more, but it would be more than I usually do, so this week's plan doesn't save me any time.

Anyway, there's a possibility of seeing Julie and Rob for dinner and games tonight, so I'd like to make a little progress before then.

law school, homework

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