William's Note: Happy Anniversary

Sep 29, 2006 15:10

RANTING: disregard post
I hope I saw a woman carrying a massive mutant lime on my way over here. Or rather, I hope there was a woman with a massive mutant lime, because that's what I saw. Sigh.
So yeah...Morella. Saw her name written in chalk on the bridge as well (pretty sure that was real, anyway).
Yesterday would have been my fifth anniversary. Somehow, I survived it. I didn't bring my gun home from work, and I only had a couple drinks, so I'm pretty proud of myself. Wrote a couple more pages. Avoided complete breakdown by doing Something I'll Regret (Kimitsu) the day before the anniversary, thus spreading it out a bit.
(Kimitsu means classification top secret.)
Got screwed by work today, big surprise. Like I knew they would, they somehow managed to lose my vacation request, so I'm probably putting my vacation off a week. These people manage the transportation of hundreds of millions of dollars a day (and that's just California). This scares me.
Feeling that long slow slide towards November.
No shadow
No stars
No moon
No care
It only believes
In a pile of dead leaves
And a moon
That's the color of bone
Tom Waits. Always been a bad month for me. Says Bitheway, "You've never heard this song? I thought it was written for you!"
Go away, blow your brains out
Go away, blow your brains out
What can I say? Life is good. Gotta get out of this country. Gotta get into the second part of the novel, past the point of no return (point of vacation!!). Gotta get through November (and December, and January...christ).
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