Apr 26, 2007 22:03
Just another quick note. I haven't the presence of mind to write anything substantial. I think that if I stop to think I'll just forget this whole thing...and with that whole point-of-no-return thing, I think I'd just lose cabin pressure and all my internal organs would spontaneously jello-ify. Strawberry, perhaps. It has just occurred to me that for someone not thinking, I've been doing quite a bit in the last few sentences. I think. Point being, quod erat demonstrandum and all that, it is quite possible to perform actions, complete tasks, and achieve an end state without ever actually believing in the arrival of said end state, even upon the brink of actualization. Formulaically1:
Sactualized = ∫Cxacts + ∂x;
where ∂x, the belief-in-S differential, is considered negligible, except for the occasional butterflies, and thus reduced to zero. Yes. I suppose that's enough of that. I'm going to go join Lewis Carroll for a spot of tea now.
1I mean, in the form of a formula, not conventional...sort of like using "questionably" for a Jeopardy answer, I suppose.