Aug 27, 2008 16:04
Well, the meeting wasn't all that interesting, because I couldn't understand much, but I did learn that Momoko, the girl from this district, will be attending SMUPHS! That's exciting! All you school friends better be nice to her and make her feel welcome! I'm glad Ito-sensei will be around to help her settle in.
So, I read part of my letter in English that I'd initially sent to the Rotary Club (see the tag "ego stroking") and then a short speech in Japanese. Then, Mr. Ihara got up and talked about me a lot, I think, and read the supposedly private letter to the Rotary club detailing my faults... =.= Thanks guys. Now they all think I lose everything handed to me and won't trust me with anything, not even my own passport. Mom, did you have to go into so much detail about the lunchboxes? I mean, seriously, I only lost... 5? 6? Not too many, anyway...
week 1