Dec 28, 2005 21:52
Yes, it is indeed true. I am actually making a blog entry in my livejournal. It's craziness, I know.
Dan the man and I finally jammed today. It was quite a while since we last played, and it wasn't too bad I guess. We played Fade to Black and Die, Die My Darling...
Most of our time was spent on Fade to Black, which actually wasn't so bad. At first I kept making mistakes, but eventually I got over whatever was making me mess up so much. It's still not perfect though, so I'll need to keep practicing it. We made it to the last bit, and stopped because neither of us really knew our parts. We never expected to make it that far I guess. >_>
We played Die, Die My Darling just for the sake of review. Of course it was the power chord easiness, just like most punk songs. It's damn cool though. Especially if we could get some vocals going. >_<
We were supposed to have played "Beheaded" by the Offspring, but Mr. Charles didn't have the drum part down yet. The drum part is pretty fast, so I didn't think he could just pick it up and play it. By next week he should have it down though, so no big deal.
Oh yeah, I'll be changing the layout of this soon, because I think the default is total crap. Once I get an idea of what looks good, it shall change.
I think I've rambled enough for anybody actually reading this, so kthxbai.