Oct 28, 2002 07:57
Okay...no one else probably cares except those who have babies...but I just don't care. I think it's GREAT!
Michael used the POTTY! All by himself! This potty training thing has been hard, as he's so independent. But he got out of his shower today and marched into the other bath where I was cleaning my ears (you gotta clean your ears fresh out of the shower..it feels so good. yes...I'm weird) got his footie stool and said "I go potty!"
Now, he's been saying this a LOT lately...but nothing ends up coming out. Today though...he just went to town! WOO! My baby used the potty! *dances* He was SO proud of himself. He is currently enjoying a peanut butter cup for being such a good boy.
*is proud*