Absolutely surreal day

Jan 22, 2009 21:38

Можно сколько угодно уподобляться страусу, можно без конца повторять "живи и радуйся, и не переживай", но полностью отмахнуться от происходящего и не прокомментировать все же невозможно. Во всяком случае мне.

До крайности странный день.

I'm still standing, but what was so strange is that had I not been aware of the news, I would never have guessed by the attitude of the people in my immediate team or on my floor in my building that something unprecedented and quite scary was happening. Everyone went about business as usual. There's some comfort in that and I myself tried to be somewhat productive and distract myself from the layoffs thoughts by the tasks at hand. Maybe there's dignity in our team handling it with such stoicism. But honestly, I really wish someone would have had the balls to openly bring up the 800-pound gorilla in the room. I bet all talk will start tomorrow.
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