Look at what i just found!

Jul 30, 2014 19:43

It's a blogspot from when i was 14: http://pokemonlegacychallenge.blogspot.it/

Apparently i was trying to play TS2 while adopting sims named after the Starter Pokèmon and having biological children named after the characters (humans) from the various games. I was starting with Red, Blue, Green (adults) and Yellow (teen). This is one excerpt from said blogspot:

Hello, it's me, Blue! This is the story of my first day. Well, i, Red, Green, and Yellow moved in town and found jobs, i decided to adopt a kid and chatted a bit with a boy named Joe Carr, which Green got jealous of.

I also had a fanfiction which was apparently about Bart and Lisa Simpson being pokèmon trainers or something. But, it also had an intermission of sorts with Timmy Turner or something? And one about Bart falling in love with an Idol Singer- but it's so weeaboo-ish that i do not want to read it all. Lisa Simpson should not like Idol Singers. She's into classical music and jazz music. Even if an idol singer had a program that aired in Springfield (which is based on Springfield and Portland in Oregon) i guess Lisa would not want to watch it. Also, the ones who were posted on this blog: http://kailabaraonda.blogspot.it/ are just chapters 1 to 20. I think there might have been other chapter but the site they should be in, is called "for adults" so it's better that i do not go in there. I was, like, 14, so do not sue me. Every 14-years-old EVER writes bad fanfictions i'm sure.

things i did when i was younger, failed legacy attempts, myself, blog, joe carr, Pokèmon legacy, meta, gaia mix, memories, Pokèmon, the sims 2, out of the fourth wall

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