Tagged by
Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
* Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
* At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
1. I have a pretty bad oral fixation. Eating, chewing gum, biting writing utensils... Christ, the other day at work I almost started chewing on my ID badge.
2. I'm usually uncomfortable showing my emotions. I'm the kind of person who will respond to anything heartfelt by avoiding eye contact and nervously making a joke.
3. When I was little I had surgery to put tubes in my ears because my mom would call me from across the room and I wouldn't hear. I'll always remember that the sleeping gas made my vision go snowy like a television with a bad signal. My hearing still kinda sucks.
4. I had a bad stutter when I was young. I got speech therapy and it's better now, but I still fumble when I get nervous. I hate public speaking and calling people I don't know.
5. No matter how bad a book or movie is, I always see it through, with one exception: Lady in the Water is the only movie I've ever walked out on (and it was free).
6. I have been on three dates in my entire life, with a guy named Bob during my sophomore year of college. I've never had a boyfriend or even kissed anyone.
7. In middle school I was 13th in the county spelling bee. I don't remember what word I got out on, but I'll always remember screwing up in the practice round, when I thought they said "bench," not "banish."
8. I love the friends I made at college (
hyzenthlay2582 <3), but as senior year came to a close, I regretted more than ever that I didn't attend the University of the Arts in Philadelphia instead.
Well, I have a small flist, and I know at least one other person has done this already, but whatev. Tagging
ironical_kai, and