Title: How You Sleep - Chapter 7: What's in Reach (7/12?)
Series: Heroes
Pairing: Mylar
Rating: R
Warnings: Mpreg! BS science! Fairly dark! Consent issues!
Summary: After being doused with the complete formula, Mohinder copes with a lingering side effect as he and everyone around him try to rebuild their lives and their trust.
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Oh my goodness that opening scene with Claire was too cute. In fact, Claire herself is too cute. And throwing Peter into the mix just made it an explosion of uber cuteness, like watching baby bunnies having a cuddle fight XD
I'm actually surprised that Molly and Mama Suresh showed up, but I'm glad they did. Will they be around to attend the baby shower? :D?
Mohinder snorted. "How wonderful for me. It'd be like a hostage situation. Don't ruin the domesticity, or he'll go on a killing spree."
Oh Mohinder, you know Sylar far too well. It's like a page straight out of his play book.
Mohinder: Sylar, could you wash the dishes?
Sylar: I'll kill everyone in the city!
Mohinder: Fine. I'll do it myself. AGAIN.
For some reason I have a feeling Mohinder's email to Nathan went something like this.
Dear Senator Dilhole,
Doctor Mohinder Suresh, PhD
Ah, I'm so glad to see and update for this and I can't wait to find out what happens next. Watching Mohinder see all these clues about Nathan and slowly put the pieces together is killer yet wonderful. XD
Sylar: I'll kill everyone in the city!
Mohinder: Fine. I'll do it myself. AGAIN.
Okay, I just hurt something lol'ing at this. XD
This fic has a lot more cuteness than I intended, and that's probably for the best...
I don't know what you're talking about...
Mohinder: Sylar, could you wash the dishes?
Sylar: I'll kill everyone in the city!
Mohinder: Fine. I'll do it myself. AGAIN.
I wish you'd get back to fic, because THIS NEEDS TO EXIST.
You probably could distill Mohinder's passive aggressive email down to that, yeah. ;)
We finally get to a much meatier bit with Nathan!Sylar in the next chapter! And also a hefty chunk of sadness, hence why all the cute parts are necessary.
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