Man, the show Saturday was just really, really good. We can always play better, but the show had a lots of "right on" moments, and I only lost a few words. Mostly on tunes I've been doing for 15 years. Haven't heard the recordings yet, but I'm looking forward to "Secret of the Crossroads Devil" - I think we nailed it.
And OMFG we are so lucky to have people like
John, Sandi, Beth, Lisa, Gary, Christine, both Davids, Aarron, Jesse, Vicki, William, Felicia, Sol, Scotty, Elizabeth, Lecion, Geoffry, Sherrie and folks I don't even SEE - OH! and Kent and Craig for video and Janey and Rob for audio!!!folks that put MEGA hours into these shows just for the love of it. Especially Sue - Sue is the Ginger Rodgers of the band, doing everything she does backwards in high heels. Sue (using Ace's incredible background) designed the images we projected behind the band, designed the T-shirts, DYED (with Sandi) and PRINTED the the T-shirts, organized people, worked 16 hour days in crunch mode at her day job, recorded and co-produced, covered my butt when (among other things) I didn't get the Adopt-a-Song brochure done in time and sang the show. I wish I could just give her everything.
I don't know how other bands do it, when it's all based on money.
It takes me days to recover from these things, even with all the great help. Some people thrive on the stress of doing stuff like this - I think I have moments - for some reason I've written some of my best lines under duress, but...
I hope the music lives up to this - on the good days it feels like it just comes through me rather than from me. I have lots of "wow" moments hearing recordings of shows "Wow *I* did that? Huh. Didn't know I *could* do that." (I have plenty of the oppossite too - "Where *was* I for that one?!" but not as many as the old days..)
Even if you're sick of hearing about gratitutude, it really is a kind of overwhelming feeling when I think about what I get to do, and the folks who make it happen around me. I know that not many people get this and I just find myself wanting to write better, play better and write stuff that touches people at the core. It sounds like a cliche (the baseball guy saying "And good lord willin', we'll win a few games...") when I type it, but it's very real days after. I think of the music as a seperate entity from myself - and what I do serves the music.
All I can feel is intense gratitude that I get to have it run through my fingers and voice.
The next few months I'm going to try to focus on finishing the writing and recording, so not too many shows, aside from fundraising house concerts (another realm of extreme gratitude) until we're ready to present the whole thing again in living color as it were... There is new stuff in the works that I *so* wanted to present Saturday. Words just *slow* coming...
Thank you all so very much!