
Feb 01, 2007 22:08

Where Eagles Dare . . . We Will be Playing Poker a Hundred Miles in the Opposite Direction by svendra

I really liked the way the author approached the idea of a distabilizing force entering a situtation of equilibrium - somehow, being away from the action and being forced to reconsider their situation is just what the team needs. Also, full of great moments. I especially love the portrayal of Teal'c as a wise old warrior and Ronon as the annoying young man that he really is. I like how this allows us to see contrasts between characters on SG1 and SGA that seem from the outset to be so similar.

1933 by ladyamarra

I just really liked the tone of this one. You could really feel John's hopelessness and his desperation. And some of the imagery was absolutely stunning. I swear I could see the noir. The plot and the ending and everything . . . well, I guess they're from a movie (or several movies) which makes them on the cliche side of things (not to mention the - they are John and Rodney but in post-prohibition NYC AU thing), but it's worth reading for the feel of it.

Antecedent Clause by miss-porcupine

I think this is my first time reccing something by miss porcupine, even though everything she does is very well written. The main issue is that I think her stories are often a bit too real. She deals a lot with military bureaucracy and designs a chain of command that is realistic instead of what we see on the show (where every time there's something dangerous going on they load the entire senior staff into a jumper and shoot them at it). I like the OCs, especially Yoni, but in the end the show that miss-porcupine is writing about isn't the show that I'm watching - I do watch largely for the McShep interactions and the scifi stuff, which miss porcupine's stories always seem to minimize. Also, I have an irrational dislike of Major Lorne (something about his tone of voice, I think).

That being said, I really like this particular story, because it really does deal with an important issue that the powers that be seem to just gloss over - how do you live in another galaxy? And more importantly, how do you tell people who have been searching for refuge from the Wraith all their lives that you can't let them go somewhere without the Wraith threat? And of course the constant military conundrum of getting soldiers to keep it in their pants.

But, I think that the story ends up in the same problem that I have with both miss porcupine's stories and the show sometimes, which is that there's a change in situation but not a growth in any of the characters - Sheppard takes his stance, Lorne and Elizabeth do their thing, but making this decision is sort of ultimately irrelevant to them - just another bureaucratic snafu. I'm not particularly a romantic (nothing makes me close a browser window faster than smarm) but what I like about slash and about really good gen is that it lets us see the effect situations have on people and the effect they have on each other. I don't know why this is less prevalent in gen fics.

But enough rambling. At the end of the day, Miss Porcupine is an amazing writer and a realistic one, almost so much so that her skills at creating believable OCs should really almost be put to original fic instead of fanfiction. I read her for the style and tone of voice, even if I'm not always in love with the subject matter.

Bang by pru

Well, believe it or not, sometimes I like things that are just plain cute. I feel like this fic completely goes with pru's style of taking something just outlandish enough to be plausible (in a reality where we smoke some crack - though actually the one time I did it was nothing close to what fandom calls crack . . . hmm . . .) and then ze takes this wacky prmise and adds some really great lines and a very tender but subtle (and slightly panicked) romantic edge and suddenly . . . well, it seems a lot less like crack. And is great too! This fic is no exception.


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