
Jan 18, 2007 20:12

Sex with Your Drugged Team Leader: Is It Really Such a Bad Idea? by imperfectcircle

So, I tried really hard to not like this fic. I hated the title. It sounded stupid, so I skipped it. But then people kept reccing it and I got curious. It's a fic about drugs, and guess what? The fandom's favorite cliche - Aliens Made them Do It (or alien drugs made them do it, in this case). What's different? The tone. There are just so many good lines in here, Rodney's skewed perspective on things, done in the campy way that makes even the dullest of cliches shine.

The Man in Black and the Baker's Daughter by Friendshipper

If not noted before, I have a real weakness for Ford fics. What I liked here was the focus on the 'addict' part of Ford. In the show, we only see the crazy, but we don't get a chance to see how the addiction really moves through him and drives his actions. Here we see Ford dealing with how much of the addiction he's become, and how even then there's the desire for good that prompted his actions in 'The Lost Boys.'

Worth by laytoncolt

This was written a while ago, but I just read it. I love the way this fic deals with 'worth' and should's and shouldnt's and it just does the old tortured not-yet-relationship thing so very well. Everyone's probably already read this. I'm just happy I didn't miss it after all.

The Twilight Kingdom by trinityofone

I love most everything by this author, because ze really goes out of hir way to take a new direction and make thing interesting and worthwhile. I wouldn't say that this fic is particularly enjoyable to read (I never expect to get my daily dose of hugs and puppies from trinity) but it does take the time to step back and look at the Ancients as people, which is never really done on the show or in fandom. This is a story that adds depth where there is none, so I'd say that even if its not jolly, it'll enhance further reading experience and is therefore worth reading.

The Principle of Exclusion by seperis

Here's mensaverse AU that's actually written a lot like many of the more dramatic, happens-on-atlantis fics that have been pretty common to the whole mcshep pairing. I wouldn't say this fic would be particularly exceptional if it were written as one of those, as the added elements are neither better or worse, but I think that the author really takes advantage of the differences between John of that world and Rod to write a very original story, one that doesn't rely on our stereotypes of John and Rodney at all. It tells a story about two people who define themselves in relation to others (which is not something we get to see in the traditional mcshep pairing) and therefore serves almost as an original fic would.

Picture by clockstopper

I'm not actually sure that this is the title of the fic or if I'm supposed to be seeing a picture in the randomly blank part of the screen, so please excuse me. This fic is post 'Tao of Rodney,' Zelenka's POV. It's just a really excellent discussion of faith and death and roles we play - how close we're allowed to get to people when they're not dying. I really liked the way Radek is portrayed here - very wise and self-aware and yet at the same time always a bit uncertain about his reality.

Reside by minnow1212

Minnow definitely has a way with stories dealing with the Pegasus galaxy and this is no exception. I loved each and every one of these shorts (especially the culture created in the last) and the different look at the events of 'the Return.' It makes me think about the Bible and what people would do if Revelations actually happened. I wish I had thought to write this, even though I doubt I could have done such a good job.


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