(no subject)

Nov 04, 2006 00:39

Title: Between You & Me
Author: Gaia
Rating: FRM (Profanity)
Disclaimer: Without Prejudice. The names of all characters contained here-in are the property of NBC, Inc. No Infringments of these copyrights are intended, and are used here without permission. Any characters not a part of ER are my own so please no touching.
Spoilers: S12 & S13
Content Warning: Could become a little heated later on...we'll see.


Neela sleepily sought her bed partner and was forced to jerk her eyes open when she didn’t find anyone. “Tony?”
“I’m right here.” Tony said as he pulled on his shirt, searching for his pants on the floor.
“What are you doing?” Neela asked, sleepily.
“I’ve got to go to the ER.” Tony shoved his wallet into his back pocket before going to Neela placing a long, soft kiss on her lips. Neela smiled as he turned and left. Nestling back into the sea of covers, Neela closed her eyes and fell asleep.


Neela was cleaning her room when she came across Tony’s watch. Grinning, she put it back on the nightstand. She thought of their night. He had taken her to a new restaurant and afterwards they had had a hot, steamy night. It had been great. Tony was, surprisingly, a very thoughtful lover. He had made sure that she was okay throughout. He probably knew that she had not had sex since Michael had been here.

Neela’s thoughts turned, not unexpectedly, to her late husband. They had never really had time after their wedding to get to know each other. She felt as though she had been married to a wonderful, kind, handsome man who had left her behind in every way. She often felt cheated. Cheated out of a life with Michael; cheated that she had never gotten to know him. And now, she was experiencing guilt. As if she was cheating on Michael. But how could you be unfaithful when your husband was dead? When he had cheated her out of “sickness and in health” and gone straight to the “until death do us part.” He had let go of her. She was the one who had been wronged. Neela, you can’t think that way! Neela chastised herself, It’s wrong!

But this was not the first time she had become angry with Michael. It happened often; she would veer crazily to and from anger and sadness. She felt so angry sometimes; that if Michael were in front of her she would hurt him for doing this to her. Making her a crazy person. And then when she had seen Tony again, as an intern, she recalled that flirtatious attraction she had shared with him on her EMS round. There was something about Tony that made it very easy for her to be attracted to him. He was a safe choice for a fling. He seemed like he got around and she didn’t really know enough about him except that he was extremely sexy. Not as sexy as Ray but definitely sexy.
Ray. She still had to return the keys to the apartment. She remembered that he was off today and after grocery shopping she would stop by at her old place and resign that life. But she didn’t feel sadness. When it came to Ray, she didn’t know how she felt.

“Meggie, please go to sleep.” Laura begged her daughter. “I’m really tired. Mommy needs her sleep sweetheart.”
But Meg only pouted and turned her gorgeous green eyes to her mother. Looking into her daughter’s beautiful eyes, Laura melted and kissed her chubby cheeks. Just as Meg was falling asleep there was a pounding on the door. Before her daughter could open her eyes at this disruption and before the stranger could knock again, Laura had already opened the main door. She was stared down by a petite, pretty, wide-eyed Indian woman.
Neela quickly shook her head and extended her hand. “Hello, I’m Dr. Rasgotra. A friend of Ray’s.”
“Oh, hello! It’s always nice to meet Ray’s friends. I hardly get to meet any; I think he’s embarrassed with me.”
Neela could hardly wonder why. Laura was one of the most striking women she had ever encountered. Neela had always been practical and being beautiful had never been a priority. But now, sitting across from Laura on her sofa, her ex-sofa, Neela felt pangs of jealousy.
“Ray stepped out for a minute to buy some groceries. Can I get you anything, Dr. Rasgotra?”
“No, thank you. I just came to speak to Ray.”
“Oh, well, he’ll be back in about 15 minutes. Maybe thirty. Ray kind of goes crazy at grocery stores.”
Neela laughed at that. “Yes, I know. How long have you known each other?”
“Oh, forever. Ray and I have a very special, complicated relationship. I’m assuming the two of you work together?”
But Neela’s good mood was gone. “Yes, we work together. I-”
Meg’s cry swept the apartment and Laura got up apologetically. “I’m sorry, if you can excuse me just for a minute, I just need to see to my daughter.” Laura came back with her little lady, tears staining her cherubic face. But all Neela could see were the emerald eyes the baby possessed, in the arms of a beautiful, voluptuous woman. And all thought shut down.
“Her eyes are just like-Excuse me, I need to go now.”
And then Neela fled.

I'm paralyzed, I'm paralyzed
Stuck in the middle
And I'm paralyzed
I'm paralyzed, I'm paralyzed
The only way to cope
Is to realize
~Rock Kills Kid, Paralyzed
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