Across The Universe

Jan 23, 2008 14:56

It was a long time since the last time I went with both of my parents to the cinema, and yesterday, (after a few days with my mother at home, because the 22 of Janaury is holiday at Valencia, and I was soooo frustrated and bored) we decide to go to the cinema to watch the new film of Alex De la Iglesia, The Oxford Crimes (with Elijah Wood, John Hurt and Leonor Waitling among others), but my father convinced us to watch instead "Across the Universe".

He told us that the film was about the Vietnam War and some peace movements in England and USA, with The Beatles songs as a soundtrack. I was so sceptic, because that kind of movies are so depressing, cruel and violent that are quite disturbing for me....but, I accepted to see that movie instead of the other (It's just released and I can wait, and probably this one is near to get out of the cinemas).

He lied to me!!!!! It was a fucking amazing musical!!!!!!!! With a loads of beautiful songs, and a sad but beautiful story!!! I think is the movie of the year for me, it came directly trough my heart, and probably will never leave it. I fell in love with that film, and I recommend you to go to the nearest cinema and watch it, because you need to watch the movie, and cry, and laugh and feel that you're part of something, and be totally high when the movie finishand everybody starts to clap entusiatically (me lo he inventado?), and the credits are going on with "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" playing, and all the people at the cinema singing!!!!!

So, go to the cinema and watch that movie, because if you love The Beatles, and you like musicals, you're going to enjoy the time of your life, I swear to you that.


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