Almost died today. Twice.

May 02, 2006 22:41

Day started off horrible, and that SHOULD have been a sign of things to come. Got slammed at work, tried to leave early, when I finally got out and on the road towards San Antonio...things just steadily got worse.

First, I had to drive through 3 miles of fresh tarry road. Pissed.

Then, all hell breaks loose as the dark skies open up and hail starts pouring down. I'm in a new car, I'm thinking "oh hell NO." Try to take the next exit to find shelter. Problem - The exit drops down and curves to the right. Too late.

Brake. Ice. Tail end slides forward. I'm sliding down the ramp sideways headed directly for large solid poles. My foot is pushing the brake to the floor, they are locked up, so is my steering wheel. My front wheels hit the grass and I stop....right BETWEEN the poles. FLIP THE FUCK OUT. Cry.

I gather myself and continue on, I HAVE to take that damn test. Hail has stopped by now and head into San Antonio. My directions arent accurate, I get lost. Once I finally find where I'm supposed to be, yet again, the skies open and all hell breaks loose. This time, the hail is baseball/golf ball sized. It pounds my car. Flip out again. I've NEVER seen anything like this. Cars all under the overpass, people trying to find shelter, streets already flooded, people stalled, road completely covered in chunks of ice, absolute nuts. I get on the phone with my Dad as I try to squeeze under the overpass, and sucessfully freaked him out. "shut up and calm down!" hahaha

I can't stay under the overpass because the people behind are fucking asshats and want to drive their 1987 toyota corrolla through that shit. biiiiiiiiiiiiiitch. I TRIP out on the phone, but sucessfully find shelter under a canopy.

It's only then that I called a bunch of people to tell them I love them. I thought I was about to be Dorothy and shit. I have never been that scared in my entire life. I was terrified. I just didn't know how to deal with all of it. After almost wrapping my car around a pole, how am I supposed to be rational in that situation?

And I still never made it to my damn test! I just said fuck it and came home.


Need hugs.
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