Writing Update

Aug 28, 2012 13:54

Elections: I have actually, properly finished this. It is done. I had one complaint that I didn't write any bits with Roy and Riza after the election, or at their wedding. While I don't really have much to say about what Roy or Riza think about him getting elected (basically "good, let's get on with the work") I might write a short of their wedding at some point. Although, on some level, that's a bit "good, let's get on with the work" as well, although probably with a bit more sentimentality from Roy added in.

Unnamed Project: I have a first draft that's off to mebh_me for edits. Now I'm just working through the inevitable panic attacks where I'm sure that I'm going to be caught out for the terrible writer that I am. This is the first time I've ever attempted to submit fiction for publication of any kind. So. Anyway, if it doesn't get bought for the project, I'll probably post it here. It's set in a proprietary world, so it's not as though I can shop it around.

Knights Errant: Still nope. I'd better go back and re-read what I've got on this, because this is what I'm writing as soon as I can get Unnamed Project off my desk.

Oh shit- I have to name Unnamed Project. Goddamn I hate coming up with titles. Seriously.

Moonrise Novel: Still nothing. I'll revisit this as soon as I get another chapter of KE out the door.

I'm still not signed up for any fic challenges.  fmabigbang starts claiming at the end of next month, and I think it's pretty probable that I'll be able to pick one up if so inspired. We shall see. I'm also sort of wondering if fmagiftexchange is doing a Halloween exchange this year. I missed out on doing fma_ladyfest which makes me sad, but at least there's tons of wonderful fic over there to read now. I love the Ladyfest SO MUCH. But admittedly probably reading more than writing; I don't think I'm especially good at writing female characters. 

writing progress, original fiction, fullmetal alchemist, doctor who

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