Fandom: Torchwood
Author: Aeshna
Rating: T, for some action and violence and horror
Length: 57,073 words
Do you need to know the fandom to appreciate this: It's probably not completely necessary (the fandom character is introduced to an outside POV, so who he is is sort of explained to the reader) but you might not be interested if you don't know the character.
Link: This story is about Captain Jack Harkness fighting alien-hunting Nazis in a castle in World War II.
Some of you will have read that, said "sign me up!" and already clicked on the link. I offer you virtual fist bumps. Because Jack Harkness fighting alien-hunting Nazis! In a castle! I KNOW, RIGHT?
For those of you who are less easily pleased, I will continue.
There are a lot of stories written about what Jack was doing in the years between when he arrived on Earth and when he met back up with the Tenth Doctor at the end of TW Season 2. This is probably my favorite. The structure and pacing are unusually good, and there's a really thoughtful use of OC's- because of the setting, all of the characters save Harkness are OC's. But the good kind; the kind that are interesting and you can care about. There's action, and good dialogue. This story is on the long side for fic, but worth it.
If you like Jack Harkness or have a yen to read a WWII war story with a side of suspense and sci-fi horror, check this out.
There were seven in our section when we went on patrol that night it all started, looking for suitable positions to set up the guns; eight including our fool of a Platoon Commander who took it into his head to see what was out there for himself rather than awaiting our report. They say that the most dangerous thing in the world is an officer with a map and so it proved. Almost before we knew it, we were being marched into captivity with our empty hands in the air, cursing his entire over-bred family line. Suddenly, our war looked over and all that we had to fall back on was each other.