Writing Update

Jun 17, 2012 23:35

I write fic. If you're here, which seems unlikely, you almost certainly already knew that. Because, why would someone click on my LJ if they hadn't read something I wrote, liked it, and wanted to check me out? Or maybe that's just me projecting, because that's why I ever check anyone's LJ.

So, just to have a record of what I'm doing with my writing life... projects that I'm working on now:

Elections: FMA fanfiction, done for cornerofmadness's prompt at fma_cya. Finished and posted 11k words. I'm thinking it's going to be in the neighborhood of 20k when all is said and done. I have written about 1.5 of that last 9k. I have to write some newspaper articles and a speech now. Why did I write a story where I have to write political speeches and newspaper articles? The pundits are fine; I can do talking heads all day long. My planning brain, as always, hates my execution brain.

Unnamed Project: It's a lie to say that I'm working on this, since I've barely put idea to brain cell, much less word to virtual page. But I will work on it, as soon as I'm done with Elections. It will be somewhere in the vicinity of 3k and might actually pay a quantity of money that is greater than zero. Possibly. I'm going to try not to let the pressure get to me.

Knights Errant: Doctor Who fanfiction. This is my first proper novel, and I started it in March 2010. I have posted 66k words, and written another 8k beyond that; I'm trying to finish it entirely before I post again, to avoid being a massive updating disappointment. I finished the most recent chapter a month and a half ago, and said "okay, I'd best do my CYA story now." A month and a half ago. Before I did that chapter, I also said "well, I'll just write something FMA from my story file" and wrote Moonrise, which is 20k+. I have a problem. Anyway, once I finish Elections and Unnamed Project, I'm doing the next chapter before I'm allowed to start on anything FMA. Then it'll probably be something for the Big Bang, and I'll alternate chapters rather than absconding for months to write the novellas in one big go.

I've decided not to do fma_ladyfest even though that makes me sad, because I really need to do some other things. Like finish my damned novel after two years. But I'm going to do fmabigbang, because the deadline will be probably some time next year. And really, I can put out novellas like a boss.

I'm not currently doing any editing, because mebh_me just posted her most recent chapter of Here Dead We Lie

writing progress

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