(Not) Writing Update

Apr 26, 2013 21:06

I don't know, I just feel I need to put this out there as an explanation (half to myself) of why I haven't finished anything in ages. I've actually been sick for about two months now. Just chronically exhausted, and nauseous a lot of the time, and just feeling bad. I've just been coming home and passing out every day and not writing or doing anything else that I love. It's started to affect my ability to do my job, too. I'm still trying to work on some things, but it's frustrating for me to only be able to get through a few hundred words at a time (if that), and it starts to feel like the passage is dragging when really, it's just me.

I don't know how long I will continue this way, too. I'm still working on the stories I owe people, and I'm not going to fluff any deadlines I've agreed to. But everything's hard right now. Hopefully the massive amount of my bodily fluids that is currently being tested will yield some solutions. We shall see.

personal shit

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