There is a God: Sent off, just waiting to hear back about when it'll be published etc. I understand that there are some delays on the other end.
Knights Errant: I wrote a chapter! I'm pretty much up to the climax now. So, no pressure. I just checked, and I'm just shy of 79k on the whole thing. I'm not sure how much I'll be writing, but it might be as little as 10 or 15k more. Which sounds like really not very much. But it has to be the right 10 or 15k.
I finished and posted that White Collar/X-Men crossover fusion thing:
A Cracked Mirror It got surprisingly a lot of comments even over on FFn for being a crossover. Maybe White Collar fandom is just really effusive? I got a ton of comments on the last WC thing I wrote, too.
I am now working on Burn Notice/Covert Affairs crossover. Because, I don't know, I just seem to want to write crossover. I blame
evil_little_dog, since she sort of said she would want to read such a thing and then my brain started writing it. I'm about 2k in; I suspect it'll finish in the 4-6k range.
Moonrise Novel: This is my next thing to write as soon as I finish writing ridiculous crossovers. I have had thoughts about the chapter. So, that's a thing.
I also signed up to write a Doctor-Jack story for a
wintercompanion fic exchange. I think I made their lives difficult by being all "CAN I PLS OFFER/REQUEST NOT SLASH" (well, pre-slash or friendship fic). I've actually been hanging out/writing over there for, shit, probably 5 years. But god help me, it's a shipping community for a ship I don't ship. But I really dig their relationship, I just don't view it as romantic? But I just ignore the stories that aren't my cup of tea, and nobody has ever minded that I basically write gen. Anyway, they let me sign up and my deadline is April 5th. I think it only has to be 500 words to meet the requirements, but I seem to generally write in the 2k range for short things, so I should budget time for that.
And I haven't forgotten
evil_little_dog's story for