Home stretch for Otakon~

Jul 25, 2010 13:27

Decided to curl Hilda's bangs this morning while I get things set-up for working on Elazul this afternoon and I decided to take a break to make a list to myself on my ConSchedule.... which seems to have been the same idea everyone had more or less. xD

Tentative ConSchedule:

Kiyora (or R!Agni)

Rocker!Agni (or Kiyora)


Will finish:
Working on finishing Elazul. Still have his arm, his vest, and his turban thing to do. Which I'm working on today.
Kanon is still super easy, already dyed the wig, and I have everything cut out for her, so really, I just need a day to sew everything together.

Rocker!Agni is a big maybe. Honestly I don't think I'll have time, but its just his vest and accessories if I can manage it.
Mary needs some very simple but possibly time consuming fixing, and Kiyora needs some too so those two also depend on time.

I have Janis and my standard Agni on backup to take the place of anything I don't finish. By Wednesday I'll know exactly what I'm bringing.

Oh, and apparently Hilda's wig is dark brown, instead of black. Which I don't know why I didn't notice until now. (Maybe because our house is dark 24-7?) To dye or not to dye...
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